Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tate's Job (aka Tati)

One of my jobs here in Ecuador is babysitting.  My sister and I watch two little girls after we eat lunch.  One is 6 years old and her name is Hannah and the other is 1 1/2 and her name is Keisi.  They both speak Spanish so it is pretty hard because we don't know a lot of Spanish to communicate with them.  Hannah is learning English, like animals, colors,and greetings.  After lunch she gets home from school and eats.   Sometimes she has homework that we help her with and sometimes she just colors.  She has become my little brown sister and me her older white.  After she eats she has an hour until she goes to school again for (every day it is different) music, are, P.E. or drama.  After one of those classes she goes (on Wednesday and Thursday  to English for a half an hour.  One day a week she goes to the Good News Club and we go with her. Keisi comes home from childcare when Hannah is in music.  She either takes a nap or plays with Becca or me.  she is really cute, but can be pretty sassy.  Some days we ( after school ) take them to our home and play, paint nails or watch a movie. Then  their parents pick them up.  I love watching little kids and I am glad to be watching Hannah and Keisi.  They have become practically family.  We love them and they love us.  It will be really hard to leave because we have become so attached to one another.  It will be difficult for us and for them.  I don't want to leave because this is like my second home.
Becca doing Hannah's nails

Tate and Keisi

Tate and Hannah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buen trabajo Tati!
Tengo una media hermana en Mexico que tambien
se llama Tati :)