Monday, October 29, 2012

Becca's Big Day

Here is Becca sharing what the Lord has done in her life.  This is the room where the training takes place each day.  You can see the picture better by clicking on it.

Today was Becca's big day.  She shared her testimony with the Ecuador team.  She was offered the opportunity and took it with shaking knees.  She spent time in the Word and then wrote out her story.  She did an outstanding job speaking and we couldn't be more proud of her taking this challenge.  Not only did she have to make sure her words were well thought out, she also had to learn to stop, while speaking,  at appropriate places to have her story translated (by Gerry) into Spanish.   As a parent you think about the plans the Lord has for your children in the future, but the Lord has made it obvious that he is already using Becca for his glory now!  We are thankful that she was kind enough to not list all the ways we've messed her up!  We praise God for his work in our daughter's life (despite us)!  If you want to read her testimony visit her website and click on "my testimony."  Her blog link is on the right hand side of this page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rejoycing with you!