Friday, October 26, 2012

Exotic Foods (By Tati)

This is what we would normally eat for breakfast.  Frosted Flakes and milk (which comes in a box).

This is really good  yogurt  that is also drinkable.It is strawberry.

Everyday for lunch we have soup.  

One day the lady who makes our lunch showed me how to make maduro (a fried yellow plantain) because I love them.  They are sweet.
This is a quail egg next to a normal one.

We tried to cook it, but it was really hard to crack because it was so small.

This is one day's lunch.  It is shrimp, platacones (fried green plaintain) and tomatoes.

On Sunday the team went for lunch.  This is a traditional Ecuadorian dish.  In it is has beans, crunchy corn (like corn nuts), tomatoes, onions, banana chips and a hunk of tuna on top.  It was pretty good.  This is Jorge and he is from Colombia.
This is a fried banana with cheese.  A lady makes them in a little booth on the side of the road.  They are $1.00 each.  I did not really like them.
This is corn with cheese.  They call it choclo.  I did not like it very much.  None of my family did.
This is good chicken with a green sauce.  They are called pinchos.  They are also made in the booth on the street with the corn and bananas.

This is a lady cooking Cuy (guinea pig).  I did not eat it.  My family wants to try it soon.  NOT  ME!

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