Monday, October 8, 2012

It's Raining, It's POURING!

Over the last 24 hours (Friday night until now, Saturday night), it has been pouring buckets… and I mean buckets.  If it had rained like this in California the entire state would be in a state of emergency for sure and my house would have slid off the hill!  Listening to the rain outside is such a welcomed sound.  It’s so loud you have to raise your voice to hear one another.  Once in awhile you’ll hear a roar of thunder that is so deep and powerful it shakes the house.  Because it was raining this morning our excursion for the day was cancelled and we stayed home.  Now what?  We are not used to being home without anything to do.  This isn’t our home so there are no household projects to do.  The internet has been down and the phone lines too.  There is no communication with those at home or those here.  Hmmmm??? You know what we did?  We relaxed!  Yes, believe it or not it’s an English word… relax.  It means to do nothing and like it!  We took naps, read our books, cuddled on the couch together and watched I Love Lucy DVDs, and when the rain broke for an hour we went on a stroll (not a walk, just a stroll).  I think we need to bring this custom home with us and share the concept with all of you.  Praying you all find a moment to RELAX!

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