Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Catching My Breath

The best two words to describe life here in Shell are simple and friendly.  Now this is only an observation from someone who has spent a mere 2 weeks here, but it is definitely the feeling I get living here.  Let me explain…

Today, after returning from the training center, I had to decide what our family would do for dinner.  Now, for anyone who knows me, not knowing our meal plan for the next week is a bit out of character.  But, that is life here in Shell.  Will we go out to eat or stay in (eating out costs about $12 for our family at a sit down restaurant)?  Well, Emil and I decided to have dinner in so I went to the store for what we needed.  I went to the butcher for ground meat, then to the fruit stand for tomatoes and fresh garlic, and then over to the corner market for tortillas and cheese.  That sounds like a lot of running around in our Western minds, but it was all within three blocks of the house!  Life is simple, something I’m not too used to!
Relaxing on the roof-deck of our house

I have truly never been anywhere that had friendlier people than here.  Everyone you walk by greets you with a smile and a greeting (Buenos tardes, etc.).  Everyone, even the youth, acknowledge you with a smile.   People recognize us (we may stand out a bit) and are so helpful and encouraging as we butcher their language!  People have time for one another, something we have long forgotten.  At the park the other day another 10 year old girl came over to get Tate (or Tati as they call her here) so she could try the swing (a board and some rope) that they had rigged across the monkey bars.  She couldn’t communicate verbally, but she was determined to make a friend of her. 
Tate and her Park Friend, Michelle 

Redneck Ecuadorian Swing

Simple and friendly… two lessons worth practicing.  Have you ever found yourself so busy with life that you forget to breathe?  Since we’ve been here in Ecuador I feel like I have finally caught my breath!  Praying you take time today to breathe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay. Breathe.
I'm taking my lunch and will eat it on the backyard slowly and relax.

Te quiero mucho, Satcy.