Friday, October 12, 2012

Serving is Enough

When the Lord opened the door for us to come to Ecuador we did not know exactly what we would do here.  We offered the service of our family and just moved forward.  We knew the Lord had a plan for us, but couldn't see it just yet.  Now that we are here in Shell we can see the Lord's plan thus far.  Our job here is to serve our team.  Our team is made up of 15 recordists and directors for Global Recordings Network.  Each of these people has worked diligently on the field with people groups around the world who had not yet heard the good news of Jesus Christ.  Every morning we are blessed to hear the testimony of one person on the team.  Each of these stories are moving, extraordinary and inspiring.  Not because the person sharing is some super missionary, but because each one has allowed the Lord to take control of their lives and lead them where He wanted to use them.  The Lord has used each one in mighty ways and continues to now.  We have the privilege of building bridges with each of these individuals and the ministry they are involved in.  We are here to serve, encourage and pray for each one of these people.  In the beginning I didn't think this sounded very exciting, adventurous or glamorous, but now I realize it's much better than that - it's serving another brother or sister in Christ.... a job Jesus himself would have taken upon himself (and did).  Serving another is showing love... a commandment from the Lord.  Lord, forgive me for thinking that simply serving another wasn't doing "enough".  Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and those you love!
On the left side of the street is I-Tec where the training is taking place.  On the right is Nate Saint Memorial School for the missionary kids.  In front of that is the Nate Saint House.  More pictures to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! It's so cool how the Lord is using your family to be a support system and encouragement to the team in Ecuador. Praying for you all :)

Laurie G