Thursday, October 25, 2012

Don't Be a Chicken!


Is this you?  Do you feel like a chicken with its head cut off?  Have you lost your sense of direction, your focus, or the Lord's vision and purpose for your life?  Well, I know why...

... You've lost your connection with the Head!

Colossians 2:19 says,
"He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow."

If you have lost connection with the Head, the Lord, you better reconnect.  Get in the word daily.  Pray continuously.  Be obedient to what the Lord wants you to do.  You need the head to grow.

If you don't hurry up and reconnect there are always consequences.  I mean really, we all know what happens to the chicken in the end!

Don't be a chicken!


Anonymous said...


Though I don't like the video.


Unknown said...

love this post. very funny.

Ministry with the Meyers said...

Sorry that you didn't like the video. It was just meant to make a point. There weren't many options for videos that didn't involve real chickens.
Love and miss you. Thanks for all the encouragement you've been sending my way. I appreciate it!