Our Family

  We are a family that loves the Lord and serving Him through the opportunities and experiences He puts in front us.  Emil works as both an accountant and a real estate agent.   Stacy serves at church on the mission team and as a college/young adult leader.  Becca is 17 and has just started her senior year of high school.  She is looking to study film, photography and graphic design at a university next fall.  Tate is 14 and enjoys working with children, baking, playing violin and being with friends.  As a family we enjoy traveling and serving both locally and internationally.  It is a true blessing to experience life together in these ways.


Anonymous said...

Que hora es?

Ministry with the Meyers said...

I love my family. Tate

Karen Lewis said...

Such a beautiful family....I am honored to know you, but left with a desire to know you even better. Your contributions to the happiness of other is inspiring. Thank you. Karen Lewis (Gena's Pal)

Anonymous said...

Great Photos

Larry DeVilbiss said...

Hey Emil- just letting you know that your family photo at the top of the blog is on the kitchen counter and I pray for you frequently. Enjoyed getting to know you a little in Alaska. God Bless