Thursday, August 4, 2016

How BIG is Your God?

 Our time at the Refugee Highway Partnership Roundtable in Canada was both informative and convicting.  I walked away really asking the Lord how we could serve Him, by serving the displaced people around the world.  We heard stories from several refugees who reminded us that the word "refugee" does not define them.  Many of them are highly educated and were successful in business and life in their home country.  But, because of war and persecution were forced to leave everything and flee.  Imagine yourself, imagine your family having to leave in the middle of the night with a backpack and nothing more.  Really, imagine that.  My heart broke thinking of other mothers trying to care for their children with little hope or direction.
But I was encouraged to hear about the local churches in the countries where the refugees have resettled.  These churches are trying to meet the physical needs of the people by providing clothing, food, shelter and education, and also the spiritual needs by sharing the gospel and the hope through salvation in Jesus Christ.  These individuals shared that people are coming to Christ in record numbers!  Praise the Lord! 
So, how can we help?  Can we help the local churches somehow so that they can reach the people more effectively?  Let's pray about the possibilities.  One of the refugees who spoke to us shared that in the refugee camp you see just how BIG your God is.  He then asked us why the North American church doesn't see the same?  How BIG is your GOD? 

There are 21.3 million "forcibly displaced" people in the world
41 million more people are displaced, but within their own country
There are more people displaced now than at any other time in history

83% of displaced people leave their home country and relocate in a neighboring country
4.8 million refugees are from Syria alone

Number of Syrian Refugees in Neighboring Countries

85% of Protestant pastors say the church should sacrificially care for these displaced peoples

Only 8% are doing that locally and 19% Internationally

57% of Christians say the arrival of immigrants is a threat to them

Only 42% of Christians feel the arrival of immigrants is an opportunity to share Christ

60% of non-Christian immigrants say they do not even know a Christian


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