Thursday, October 18, 2012

Can You Still Hear the Rain?

At night I lay in bed listening to the rain beat down on the roof top.  It's such a calming sound; a sound I'm not accustomed to hearing back home in California.  The rains here are tropical, pouring out of the sky in buckets, saturating the warm air and surrounding us with strikes of lightening and tremendous roars of thunder.  There are many sounds here in Ecuador, like the early rising roosters, the barking dogs or the vendor driving through the streets calling out his specials for the day.  Yes, there are many sounds, but the rain is my favorite.

I wonder, do the locals still hear the rain?  Have they become so accustomed to the sound that they no longer notice it?  What about the sights, the lush jungle, the Andes Mountains?  Do they stand in awe of the volcano we see on our walk each day or has it faded into the background?

It makes me wonder what sights and sounds we have become deaf and blind to at home.  Think about it.  If you woke up tomorrow and approached the day, as if it were your first, what sounds would you hear?  What sights (things or people) would you see?

Today, pray that the Lord will give you a fresh perspective as you go through your daily life....
... and be ready for what He might reveal!

Sangay Volcano we see on our walk to training each day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
