Sunday, October 21, 2012

From One Foot to One Toe

Our Team at the Nate Saint House

Every morning one person from our team has been sharing their testimony of what the Lord has done in their lives.  Emil and I shared last Thursday and Friday and I was grateful for the opportunity because it made me really reflect on what has made the difference in my walk with the Lord.  Some of you know my testimony and many of you don't, but without getting into details I was a believer at a young age.  In junior high, high school and college I was involved in church but always had one foot in the world and one foot at church.  I was really the worst kind of Christian there is.  The one the Bible says causes others to stumble (and the Bible says that it is better for those who cause others to stumble to tie a block around their neck and throw themselves in a river than to face judgement).  I would party with my friends one day, then go to church the next.  I would gossip and talk about others, then proclaim to have Jesus Christ in my life.  I would concern myself with having the bigger and better things in life, then act like God was first.

It wasn't until we began going to Rancho Baptist Church that these things began to change.   It wasn't the church that changed me, but the Lord used the people in the church to get a hold of my heart and my mind.  I had different friends come alongside me and hold me accountable.  If you didn't catch that, I said I had people in my life hold me ACCOUNTABLE for the things I was and was not doing.  They did it in a loving way, by pointing me to what the Bible says.  I guess if you don't read your Bible on a daily basis (as I wasn't) you don't know, as a Christian, how you are supposed to live your life.  The Bible is pretty clear and when we are not reading and following it we are being flat out disobedient.  The more I read, the more I learned.
And slowly I went from having one foot in the world to maybe just my big toe!

I am definitely not perfect (and I won't be until heaven), but I can say that the Lord is at work in my life and moving me forward.  I am grateful for those people who still hold me accountable.  That is what loving Christian brothers and sisters do.  I don't ever want to be a stumbling block or the reason someone doesn't turn to Christ.  Lord, I will have to have your strength for that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Stacy! Pastor Matt talked about that this morning, from the passage were Nathan confronts
David's sin.

Thank you for sharing your testimony and your humble heart. May the Lord keep using you for His glory and in that may you keep finding your joy.

I love mi amiga.