Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Transformation in Culiacan

Eduardo, Stan Burks and a Transformed Man
A Moment with Elizabeth Chan…
What impacted me the most in Culiacan this year, was witnessing the
transformation of an older indigenous man, Gavino Hernandez, who
I would described as stubborn, guarded and ashamed.
So, there I was with the Green Team (about 14 people) in Campo Chaparral
and we are split into threes. While Eduardo, Stan and myself were going
from door to door, an older indigenous man approached us asking what we
were all about. I started telling him that we were Christians, followers of Jesus, and we were there to bring the good news to him in his own native language. I thought he would have just walked away, but he started saying he was a Catholic, but that he knew better now. He considered himself a Christian, but said, "I thought that following Christianity would make me stop sinning and it's embarrassing because I still feel tempted and sin." At this moment Eduardo(one of my teammates) jumps in to explain to him that it is only through confessing his sins and accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior that would start a process of transformation.
He continued to share that we all would continue to be tempted because of our sin nature which will only go away with the return of Christ. Then Eduardo said,
"Would you like to make this decision now; we can help you?" Gavino
seemed embarrassment and even unsure, and was not letting us move on. So Eduardo asked again if he wanted to make the decision to accept Christ and he finally said, “Yes!”
We all bowed our heads as he confessed the lordship of Jesus Christ. And
as he prayed I no longer saw a guarded and stubborn man; he was broken
and crying as you can see in the picture. Only our Savior Jesus Christ can
take away blindness and transform lives, God is amazing!
Elizabeth Chan is one of our newest staff members at GRN.  To learn more about her and how you can serve with, support or pray for her please visit her at

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