Monday, February 8, 2016

Planting a Seed for the Lord to Harvest

Part of the team of 20 who joined GRN in giving out the Good News on CD!
Asian Pacific Lunar Festival - Riverside, California
Our 4th year in Riverside, California, at the Asian Pacific Lunar Festival was a blessing as a team of 20 gave out 760 CDs in 65 languages!  That is nearly double what we have given out in years past.  Participating in these ethnic festivals allow us to not only share the gospel with others in their native language, but it gives us the opportunity to show the importance of the work at Global Recordings Network and what it looks like in action.  Distribution of GRN recordings looks different at every event and in every country, but the end goal is always the same... planting a seed that others may water and the Lord may choose to harvest.  It is also a great opportunity for individuals to get out of their comfort zone by giving out CDs or even sharing about the Lord face to face.  Join us at the Avocado Festival in Fallbrook, California on April 17.  You can find more information on the "local outreach opportunity" page.

Look at all the people who need to hear about Jesus Christ!

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