Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Culiacan & the Bible Box

Stacy, Elizabeth, Erica, Martha, Jonathan & Stan - 2016 USA Culiacan Team

Praise the Lord for the blessings of our week participating in Buenas Nuevas' (GRN Mexico) 2016 Culiacan Project!  Our team served alongside a team of 70 people in the work camps which house field workers who harvest many of the vegetables you eat every day. Every night we went door to door in the camps giving out CDs of the gospel message in the heart language of each person.  This year we introduced one of the newest ways to share the gospel... The Bible Box!  This is a modem that people can connect to with a cell phone (which many of them have) and download GRN recordings, the Jesus Film and Christian music in their language.  It was a huge hit.  It is amazing how technology is being used to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Thank you for the prayers and financial support.  Continue to pray for Erica as she is spending a total of 5 weeks serving in the project (and has two more still to go).

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