Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What is My Excuse? What is Yours?

Chuy, Yovana, Yovanita (12) and Jair (5)

Many have asked how my time at the Culiacan Project was and to share about the amazing things  the Lord did in the work camps.  The Lord was at work for sure in the lives of many, but he spoke to me most through the Tejada family above.  They don't live in the work camps of Culiacan.  Chuy is actually a recordist with GRN Mexico.  Chuy and Yovana have two children, a healthy 12 year old daughter and a 5 year old son with Cerebral Palsy and a multitude of other physical difficulties.  

Little Jair is five, yet the size of a one year old.  He cannot walk, he cannot communicate when he is in pain, he has a difficult time swallowing food or medicine and often aspirates it into his lungs.  He has difficulty breathing and has a multitude of seizures.  As a mom, I watched Yovana caring for Jair around the clock. I sat asking the Lord, "Why, Lord?  Here is a family who desperately wants to serve you and has been given an extra burden to bear.  Why?" 

 As the week went on, and I watched this family live out life and their ministry, I was amazed at the amount of joy they had.  The affection that Yovana showed towards Jair exuded such a love and joy.  You knew, without hearing the words, that yes, this life was a lot of work, but Jair was a blessing and a gift.  Then, when teams prepared to go out into the camps at night, Chuy and his family was right there serving alongside.  Yovana could have easily said she wasn't able to serve; she had so much on her plate as it was, but she didn't.  She was excited to go and always had Jair at her side. 

 It was then that the Lord answered my, "Why?"  He showed me that this family had, what we would say were, legitimate excuses for not serving... but they didn't use them.  They served the Lord and they did it with JOY!  The Lord was using them, and so many others in similar circumstances, to be a testimony to others.  When you witness a family, such as this, serving in spite of their trials, what excuse for not serving are you left with?
I left Culiacan asking myself, "What is my excuse?" 
And with respect I ask you the same, "What is Your excuse?"  May the Lord reveal the excuses we both need to give up and show us where to serve Him!

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