Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Alaska - A Future Frontier

 Did you know....
Alaska has the largest percentage of American Indians in all of the US.
There are 20 indigenous languages spoken in the state.
Most indigenous villages can only be accessed by plane or boat.
Alaskans need the Lord too!

This is Lois Munson and she is a native Alaskan from the Dena'ina people group.  She cares about the salvation of the Alaskan natives and for this reason has been sharing Global Recordings Network recordings with them for the past 8 years.  She's 85 and has a difficult time hearing, yet she knows that our CDs talk, but they don't walk... and she can!  I took a trip up to Alaska to serve alongside Lois and the other GRN servants pictured below.  I came to see what ministry was taking place and what the Lord might want to do for the future.  And guess what... there is work to be done there.

Lois Munson - 85 years
Lois's CD Inventory in her home office!
My mom joined me on this trip and while we were there Lois gave us a taste of how she distributes CDs.  The Native Health Clinic is a place many natives come to see family and reconnect with others while in Anchorage.  Lois pops in at times and gives out CDs to those in the waiting room.  They loved them!

Mom (Joni) & Lois giving out CDs

This was Ben, an Eskimo man that spoke Yupik
Every night, from Monday to Friday, we had a GRN table at the Native New Life Musicale.  This is a yearly event hosted in a large church in Anchorage.  Native peoples from all over the state travel in to participate in the program.  We were able to give out approximately 700 CDs in 17 languages. The Eskimo lady pictured in the fur coat was given a CD one night and returned the next, after listening to it, to share with me how beautiful the message was.  She asked for several more CDs to share with others in her village.  What a beautiful picture of people spreading the Words of Life.

Stacy, Roeli, Lois, Joni

Roeli sharing a recording

My Mom (Joni) learning the Alaskan language names - not an easy task!

Eskimo lady who was touched by the message

Lois is not the only one doing ministry in Alaska.  Larry DeVilbiss has been a recordist with GRN since the early years, Dave Knutson a dedicated volunteer, Lois Munson (mentioned above) and Roeli Elbers, the former GRN director of Holland and current director of Norway's Seafarer's Ministry.  We were able to meet together to discuss the needs of the ministry, the potential for the future and our goals for this year.  In addition, Larry arranged several opportunities for me to share about the GRN ministry and future opportunities.  Maybe the Lord will lead you to be a part of this future frontier!

Larry, Dave, Lois, Stacy, Roeli
I not only got to see what the Lord was doing in the lives of others, I was blessed to see His creation in nature.  The Alaskan scenery is breathtaking.  Actually, I think it must be one of the most dangerous places to drive because this is what you are distracted by!

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Matanuska Glacier (a piece of it)

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