Monday, August 29, 2016

A New Direction & A Step of Faith

Over the past six years, Emil and I have been learning what it means to take a step of faith.  From the beginning, when the Lord led us to join GRN, throughout the 5 ½ years of ministry there, to now. Emil and I now feel the Lord leading us to step away from the ministry of GRN and resign from the organization.  Our time there has been fruitful and we love the staff deeply, but this is a decision that the Lord has been preparing us for over this past year and one we feel a complete peace about. 

The Lord has used this ministry team of financial supporters, prayer warriors, and fellow servants to do a tremendous amount of ministry over the past 5 ½ years.  Nearly 100,000 CDs have been distributed for free, 18 festivals/outreaches had over 300 participants sharing the gospel, 150 individuals took part in 17 short term trips, office operations has been revamped, accounting and legal practices refined and the list goes on.  These are only some of the results of this ministry team, this side of heaven.  We look forward to one day rejoicing with you in the results and rewards we can’t yet imagine. 

A step of faith often means you cannot see beyond the first step, and this is the case with us.  We do not have any new opportunity, but will await God’s leading.  Emil will increase his real estate and tax/accounting work to full time now (so keep us in mind if you are need of these services) and we have made ourselves more available to our home church and God’s leading.  Thank you for your love and support; you are all appreciated.  We look forward to sharing what the Lord teaches us during this time.


Hebrews 11 reminds us we are to walk by faith
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen…
By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God…
By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain…
By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death…
Without faith it is impossible to please him…
By faith Noah… constructed an ark…
By faith Abraham obeyed…
By faith he went to live in the land of promise…
By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive…
By faith Abraham offered up Isaac…
By faith Isaac invoked future blessings on Jacob and Esau…
By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph…
By faith Joseph…gave directions concerning his bones…
By faith Moses… was hidden for three months…
By faith Moses…chose rather to be mistreated with the people of God and led them out of Egypt
By faith the walls of Jericho fell down…
By faith Rahab welcomed the spies…
By faith others conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.  Some received back their dead through resurrection, some were tortured, suffered mocking and flogging an even chains and imprisonment.  They were stoned, sawn in two, killed by the sword, destitute, afflicted, and mistreated.
“And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.”11:39

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Rock Climbing - Who is Directing Your Climb?

College Retreat - Rock Climbing at Rock N Water

Rock climbing really is such an interesting metaphor for life’s journey.  You stand at the bottom of the rock, staring up, unaware of what cracks and crevices await you, blind to what lies over the ridge and overwhelmed with the enormity of the challenge.  There is such a mix of feelings dwelling inside your mind… anxiety, fear, anticipation and excitement.  The same emotions you often experience as you contemplate your future.  As believers we know that we are to "be anxious for nothing”, putting our complete trust in the Lord – our Rock.  Scripture tells us to keep our eyes focused on the Lord, not looking to the left or the right, but straight ahead.  So you harness yourself tightly to the Lord and gear up as you begin your journey. 
You move quickly in the beginning, thinking it is easier than you anticipated; you are more capable than you expected and as a result you start to put your trust in yourself.  The first part of the journey is close to the ground and there isn’t a great distance to fall, but it is not long after when you meet your first small challenge.  You stop, ponder your next move and then continue on.  After that first successful maneuver your trust in yourself and your own strength grows as your need for the Lord, or the ropes that are holding you in place, diminishes.  And as you continue on, up the rock, deciding which path to take, you find yourself thinking back to those who have gone before you. You begin to evaluate their climb and follow their lead.  But who is to say they took the right path?  Are you following others who sought Godly direction and kept the straight path or is it someone who strayed to the right or left? 
You continue on your journey and are met with challenges that are too difficult for you to conquer on your own.  So now where do you find your direction?  Is it from your friends (or the world) who have a limited perspective of your journey and are yelling an array of directions and opinions, steering you to the left or to the right?  Or are you focused forward on the Lord, stopping to wait for Him to reveal the next step to take in your journey?  It’s not knowing your next move that causes your fear and anxiety to resurface.  You cling to the rock, paralyzed and unable to move forward.  You tell yourself either you are not capable of making the move, or just do it without thinking – both dangerous forms of pride.  It’s because you are so focused on yourself that you don’t hear the Lord say, “No, stop and wait and rest in me.  I will give you the strength and power to overcome.” 
So you refocus and wait as the Lord directs you to the next ledge.  You look at it and think to yourself, “There is no way; this is impossible.”  But you know it is what you need to do to move forward so you are obedient and take the leap.  But through that process you slip and stumble before finally reaching the next foothold.  Once there, you take a moment to realize and remember you are connected to a rope and without that rope, holding you there, you would have surely met destruction.  Do you slip and fall in life?  Yes, even when you are doing exactly what the Lord wants you to do.  As a matter of fact, you will often slip and fall because you are doing what the Lord is calling you to do.  He is growing you, refining you and building your trust and faith in Him.  Your hope, if you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, is in that moment when you reach the end of the journey, the top of the peak, and the Lord says, “Well done good and faithful servant”.   Don’t you want to know you have climbed well?
So, I ask you…
Who is directing your climb through life?  The world?  You?  Or the Lord?
Are you off to the left or to the right of God’s path for you?
Are you at a point in your journey where you need to wait on the Lord for His next direction?
Is He calling you to do something, yet you are too fearful to be obedient because you may slip and fall?
If we want to have the “perfect climb” we have to be tied tightly to the Lord, looking to Him for every step of the journey.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

How BIG is Your God?

 Our time at the Refugee Highway Partnership Roundtable in Canada was both informative and convicting.  I walked away really asking the Lord how we could serve Him, by serving the displaced people around the world.  We heard stories from several refugees who reminded us that the word "refugee" does not define them.  Many of them are highly educated and were successful in business and life in their home country.  But, because of war and persecution were forced to leave everything and flee.  Imagine yourself, imagine your family having to leave in the middle of the night with a backpack and nothing more.  Really, imagine that.  My heart broke thinking of other mothers trying to care for their children with little hope or direction.
But I was encouraged to hear about the local churches in the countries where the refugees have resettled.  These churches are trying to meet the physical needs of the people by providing clothing, food, shelter and education, and also the spiritual needs by sharing the gospel and the hope through salvation in Jesus Christ.  These individuals shared that people are coming to Christ in record numbers!  Praise the Lord! 
So, how can we help?  Can we help the local churches somehow so that they can reach the people more effectively?  Let's pray about the possibilities.  One of the refugees who spoke to us shared that in the refugee camp you see just how BIG your God is.  He then asked us why the North American church doesn't see the same?  How BIG is your GOD? 

There are 21.3 million "forcibly displaced" people in the world
41 million more people are displaced, but within their own country
There are more people displaced now than at any other time in history

83% of displaced people leave their home country and relocate in a neighboring country
4.8 million refugees are from Syria alone

Number of Syrian Refugees in Neighboring Countries

85% of Protestant pastors say the church should sacrificially care for these displaced peoples

Only 8% are doing that locally and 19% Internationally

57% of Christians say the arrival of immigrants is a threat to them

Only 42% of Christians feel the arrival of immigrants is an opportunity to share Christ

60% of non-Christian immigrants say they do not even know a Christian


The Bible, Refugees and Your Opportunity

 A refugee is defined as, "A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster." 
The Bible is full of stories of refugees, or forcibly displaced people; Jesus being one of them.  Take a moment to read these verses.  The politics involved in a discussion on refugees is extensive, but as believers the Bible tells us clearly what our response to these individuals should be... so what will you do?  How will this look in your life?  Pray that the Lord would bring these people into your life so that you could show Christ's love to them in a very real way.  It should not be viewed as a threat, but an opportunity.  We do not know what the future may hold; we could one day be the ones who are displaced. 
      Deuteronomy 10: 19 You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
  • Leviticus 19:34 The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
  • Matthew 5:43-44 You have heard that it was said, ‘you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy’. But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.
  • Matthew 25:40 Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren you did it to me.
  • Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
  • Romans 13:10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
  • Acts 10:34 Then Peter began to speak to them: “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
  • Revelation 21:3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “See the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them.”
  • 3 John 1:5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the friends, even though they are strangers to you; they have testified to your love before the church. You do well to send them on in a manner worthy of God; for they began their journey for the sake of Christ, accepting no support from non-believers. Therefore we ought to support such people, so that they may become co-workers with the truth.
  • Luke 10:27 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.
  • Hebrews 13: 1 Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.
  • Colossians 3:11 In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all.
  • Matthew 25: 35 I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
  • Romans 12:13 Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.

  • Sunday, July 10, 2016

    The Results...this Side of Heaven

    The results are in, well, the results...this side of heaven!

    This year...

    A team of 33 individuals gave out

    5,974 CDs of the gospel message

    in 133 languages/dialects

    Praise the Lord and all Glory to Him!

    Team DC 2016

    Celebrating Day 5

    We began Day 5, the 4th of July, early in the morning by breaking up into 4 teams to hand out CDs of the parade route.  While people were saving their spot, waiting for the parade to begin, we asked them what language they spoke and gave them a CD.  Over 1000 CDs went out in an hour!  The Lord held back the rain for some time, but when it did come we zipped up the tent.  Some hunkered down to play some games inside while others went to tour the museums for a bit.  Both Pastor Eddie and Pastor Derek had opportunities to share the plan of salvation from the stage to those passing by on the mall.  There were many witnessing opportunities and sweet conversations with visitors.  The night ended with a fireworks celebration, reminding us of the freedoms we still have here in the United States. 

    Part of the 4th of July Parade in front of the White House

    Pastor Eddie & Pastor Derek shared the Gospel for ALL to hear!
    Becca and Eddie had a chance to play some worship music from stage

    Witnessing opportunities
    It rained a portion of the day so we hunkered down in the tent

    Celebrating our freedoms in this beautiful country!

    A Special Surprise

    On last year's DC trip a man fell to the ground near our tent with heart failure.  Shannon, a nurse and one of our team members, had been feeling discouraged and was praying asking the Lord what his plan was for her on this mission trip.  As soon as she returned to the booth she saw the man, Warren, collapse.  Immediately, she ran to him and began CPR.  It was her quick response that saved his life.  This morning, exactly one year later, Warren and his wife, Maxine, came to meet our team and thank Shannon.  They shared that the Lord had used the entire trial for so many amazing things!  Praise the Lord.

    Shannon, Warren and Maxine


    DC 2015 Day 4

    Day 4 ended with a total of 116 languages handed out!  It takes an entire team, gifted in many ways, to make an outreach such as this one effective.  We thank the Lord for gifting each one of us in special and unique ways.

    It's a beautiful thing to serve alongside new friends

    It's amazing how many countries were represented throughout the week

    These dear ladies sleeved 1000's of CDs... as they prayed for God's mighty work

    Taking pictures for people is one way to ask where they are from and give them CDs.  This group would not take the CDs from Stacy, but when Tate and Josh took their picture they lined up for free CDs in Mandarin!

    This strip (difficult to see) was full of hundreds of little round stickers for people to put on the map.  Josh challenged himself to not stop working until he spoke with that many people today.  It took 4 hours, but he did it!

    DC 2016 Day 3

    Day 3 ended with a total of 89 languages handed out from our little booth on the National Mall!  A multitude of CDs are going out and there have been some great conversations as well.  It's amazing how people who are visiting from closed countries are hearing about Christ for the first time!

    Sharing GRN Website, where you can hear the gospel in over 6,000 languages!

    Sharing Christ with those visiting DC
    So many visiting from all over the world
    Chinese girls showing where they live and receiving the gospel in their language

    DC 2016 Day 2

    Day 2 was wonderful!  Tons of CDs went out. The team is keeping a list of the languages/dialect names that we give out.  We've already given 60 different languages in the past two days.  The picture below is of our youngest team member, Jayden.  She was challenged to try to give out a CD in a language called Slovak (not that easy).  She immediately thought she wouldn't be able to do it and I encouraged her to pray that the Lord would bring the perfect person for the CD.  It wasn't 10 minutes later when she approached two ladies asking them to put a sticker on the map showing where they were from.  One of the women told her she was from Slovakia!  And you wouldn't believe what language she spoke... SLOVAK!  Our God is faithful to answer prayers.  What a wonderful lesson for Jayden and the rest of the team.

    DC 2016 Day 1

    As our 6th year in DC begins we are blessed by the team the Lord has put together.  33 individuals have come together, training, praying and growing in preparation for these 6 days on the National Mall where we will be giving out thousands of CDs of the gospel message in languages from around the world.  As Day 1 begins our team is reminded of God's goodness as we enjoy the beautiful weather and some practice.

    Preparing Packs of CDs for people to walk around with
    Sleeving 1000's of CDs

    Duplicating 1000's of CDs
    Our booth on the National Mall

    Serving Together
    Witnessing Opportunities

    Monday, May 16, 2016


    It’s been two months since I’ve given any sort of update.  Please know that it isn’t because of a lack of work, but instead because of the opposite.  We live a FULL life for sure.  Full of family and friends.  Full of ministry both at GRN and within our home church.  Full of opportunities… lots and lots of opportunities!  And although they can overwhelm us at times, when we have the right perspective, we can rejoice in them all.

    So many of you pray for us, work with us, support us financially, and encourage us often.  We want you to know that the Lord is using you to accomplish so much in the ministry we are all involved in.  Here are just a few ways the Lord has used this team over the past two months.  When I refer to “WE” I mean you, me and the entire team, because without all the parts working together none of this would be possible.

    -          We have already sent out almost 12,000 CDs of the gospel message – for FREE!

    -          We have made numerous new contacts with people distributing the CDs and recordings in other forms.  We now have over 50 CD racks placed in various churches, clinics, and ministries.

    -          We had a booth at this year’s Avocado Festival in Fallbrook where a team of 40 gave out 1085 CDs in 41 languages.  In addition, many were sharing the gospel through conversations.

    -          We have welcomed Mike Hendricks to our distribution staff.  He lives in Arizona and is sharing about GRN resources with everyone he meets.  Adding active staff is an answer to prayer.  He was able to join us to learn how to run a festival booth and is now in the Philippines using GRN resources.

    -          We have begun to partner with Valley Christian Fellowship church in distribution, festivals and short term missions and Emil had the privilege of speaking there on a Sunday morning.

    -          We were able to partner with our director of Cameroon as we sent a young woman to work with them for three months.  This relationship and learning process has allowed us to envision other opportunities within GRN.

    -          We have 33 people on this year’s DC team and we have been spending quite a bit of time training, mentoring and preparing this team.

    -          And the list goes on….

    Moving forward please pray for the following opportunities…

    -          Our team will be in DC, sharing the gospel from June 29-July 7.

    -          We were just accepted to lead a workshop on Media Evangelism Resources at the Refugee Roundtable Conference in Canada this July.  We are working on what the Lord wants us to share and the new connections we will make.

    -          We have several new opportunities for August through the end of the year.  Pray the Lord makes it clear which to choose.

    -          And please pray for our girls, Tate and Becca, as they are our first ministry always.  Pray they continue to grow in the Lord and that we are given the wisdom necessary to guide them.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2016

    Alaska - A Future Frontier

     Did you know....
    Alaska has the largest percentage of American Indians in all of the US.
    There are 20 indigenous languages spoken in the state.
    Most indigenous villages can only be accessed by plane or boat.
    Alaskans need the Lord too!

    This is Lois Munson and she is a native Alaskan from the Dena'ina people group.  She cares about the salvation of the Alaskan natives and for this reason has been sharing Global Recordings Network recordings with them for the past 8 years.  She's 85 and has a difficult time hearing, yet she knows that our CDs talk, but they don't walk... and she can!  I took a trip up to Alaska to serve alongside Lois and the other GRN servants pictured below.  I came to see what ministry was taking place and what the Lord might want to do for the future.  And guess what... there is work to be done there.

    Lois Munson - 85 years
    Lois's CD Inventory in her home office!
    My mom joined me on this trip and while we were there Lois gave us a taste of how she distributes CDs.  The Native Health Clinic is a place many natives come to see family and reconnect with others while in Anchorage.  Lois pops in at times and gives out CDs to those in the waiting room.  They loved them!

    Mom (Joni) & Lois giving out CDs

    This was Ben, an Eskimo man that spoke Yupik
    Every night, from Monday to Friday, we had a GRN table at the Native New Life Musicale.  This is a yearly event hosted in a large church in Anchorage.  Native peoples from all over the state travel in to participate in the program.  We were able to give out approximately 700 CDs in 17 languages. The Eskimo lady pictured in the fur coat was given a CD one night and returned the next, after listening to it, to share with me how beautiful the message was.  She asked for several more CDs to share with others in her village.  What a beautiful picture of people spreading the Words of Life.

    Stacy, Roeli, Lois, Joni

    Roeli sharing a recording

    My Mom (Joni) learning the Alaskan language names - not an easy task!

    Eskimo lady who was touched by the message

    Lois is not the only one doing ministry in Alaska.  Larry DeVilbiss has been a recordist with GRN since the early years, Dave Knutson a dedicated volunteer, Lois Munson (mentioned above) and Roeli Elbers, the former GRN director of Holland and current director of Norway's Seafarer's Ministry.  We were able to meet together to discuss the needs of the ministry, the potential for the future and our goals for this year.  In addition, Larry arranged several opportunities for me to share about the GRN ministry and future opportunities.  Maybe the Lord will lead you to be a part of this future frontier!

    Larry, Dave, Lois, Stacy, Roeli
    I not only got to see what the Lord was doing in the lives of others, I was blessed to see His creation in nature.  The Alaskan scenery is breathtaking.  Actually, I think it must be one of the most dangerous places to drive because this is what you are distracted by!
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    Matanuska Glacier (a piece of it)

    Add caption

    Wednesday, February 10, 2016

    Transformation in Culiacan

    Eduardo, Stan Burks and a Transformed Man
    A Moment with Elizabeth Chan…
    What impacted me the most in Culiacan this year, was witnessing the
    transformation of an older indigenous man, Gavino Hernandez, who
    I would described as stubborn, guarded and ashamed.
    So, there I was with the Green Team (about 14 people) in Campo Chaparral
    and we are split into threes. While Eduardo, Stan and myself were going
    from door to door, an older indigenous man approached us asking what we
    were all about. I started telling him that we were Christians, followers of Jesus, and we were there to bring the good news to him in his own native language. I thought he would have just walked away, but he started saying he was a Catholic, but that he knew better now. He considered himself a Christian, but said, "I thought that following Christianity would make me stop sinning and it's embarrassing because I still feel tempted and sin." At this moment Eduardo(one of my teammates) jumps in to explain to him that it is only through confessing his sins and accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior that would start a process of transformation.
    He continued to share that we all would continue to be tempted because of our sin nature which will only go away with the return of Christ. Then Eduardo said,
    "Would you like to make this decision now; we can help you?" Gavino
    seemed embarrassment and even unsure, and was not letting us move on. So Eduardo asked again if he wanted to make the decision to accept Christ and he finally said, “Yes!”
    We all bowed our heads as he confessed the lordship of Jesus Christ. And
    as he prayed I no longer saw a guarded and stubborn man; he was broken
    and crying as you can see in the picture. Only our Savior Jesus Christ can
    take away blindness and transform lives, God is amazing!
    Elizabeth Chan is one of our newest staff members at GRN.  To learn more about her and how you can serve with, support or pray for her please visit her at

    Culiacan & the Bible Box

    Stacy, Elizabeth, Erica, Martha, Jonathan & Stan - 2016 USA Culiacan Team

    Praise the Lord for the blessings of our week participating in Buenas Nuevas' (GRN Mexico) 2016 Culiacan Project!  Our team served alongside a team of 70 people in the work camps which house field workers who harvest many of the vegetables you eat every day. Every night we went door to door in the camps giving out CDs of the gospel message in the heart language of each person.  This year we introduced one of the newest ways to share the gospel... The Bible Box!  This is a modem that people can connect to with a cell phone (which many of them have) and download GRN recordings, the Jesus Film and Christian music in their language.  It was a huge hit.  It is amazing how technology is being used to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Thank you for the prayers and financial support.  Continue to pray for Erica as she is spending a total of 5 weeks serving in the project (and has two more still to go).


    Tuesday, February 9, 2016

    What is My Excuse? What is Yours?

    Chuy, Yovana, Yovanita (12) and Jair (5)

    Many have asked how my time at the Culiacan Project was and to share about the amazing things  the Lord did in the work camps.  The Lord was at work for sure in the lives of many, but he spoke to me most through the Tejada family above.  They don't live in the work camps of Culiacan.  Chuy is actually a recordist with GRN Mexico.  Chuy and Yovana have two children, a healthy 12 year old daughter and a 5 year old son with Cerebral Palsy and a multitude of other physical difficulties.  

    Little Jair is five, yet the size of a one year old.  He cannot walk, he cannot communicate when he is in pain, he has a difficult time swallowing food or medicine and often aspirates it into his lungs.  He has difficulty breathing and has a multitude of seizures.  As a mom, I watched Yovana caring for Jair around the clock. I sat asking the Lord, "Why, Lord?  Here is a family who desperately wants to serve you and has been given an extra burden to bear.  Why?" 

     As the week went on, and I watched this family live out life and their ministry, I was amazed at the amount of joy they had.  The affection that Yovana showed towards Jair exuded such a love and joy.  You knew, without hearing the words, that yes, this life was a lot of work, but Jair was a blessing and a gift.  Then, when teams prepared to go out into the camps at night, Chuy and his family was right there serving alongside.  Yovana could have easily said she wasn't able to serve; she had so much on her plate as it was, but she didn't.  She was excited to go and always had Jair at her side. 

     It was then that the Lord answered my, "Why?"  He showed me that this family had, what we would say were, legitimate excuses for not serving... but they didn't use them.  They served the Lord and they did it with JOY!  The Lord was using them, and so many others in similar circumstances, to be a testimony to others.  When you witness a family, such as this, serving in spite of their trials, what excuse for not serving are you left with?
    I left Culiacan asking myself, "What is my excuse?" 
    And with respect I ask you the same, "What is Your excuse?"  May the Lord reveal the excuses we both need to give up and show us where to serve Him!