Sunday, July 10, 2016

DC 2015 Day 4

Day 4 ended with a total of 116 languages handed out!  It takes an entire team, gifted in many ways, to make an outreach such as this one effective.  We thank the Lord for gifting each one of us in special and unique ways.

It's a beautiful thing to serve alongside new friends

It's amazing how many countries were represented throughout the week

These dear ladies sleeved 1000's of CDs... as they prayed for God's mighty work

Taking pictures for people is one way to ask where they are from and give them CDs.  This group would not take the CDs from Stacy, but when Tate and Josh took their picture they lined up for free CDs in Mandarin!

This strip (difficult to see) was full of hundreds of little round stickers for people to put on the map.  Josh challenged himself to not stop working until he spoke with that many people today.  It took 4 hours, but he did it!

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