Sunday, July 10, 2016

DC 2016 Day 2

Day 2 was wonderful!  Tons of CDs went out. The team is keeping a list of the languages/dialect names that we give out.  We've already given 60 different languages in the past two days.  The picture below is of our youngest team member, Jayden.  She was challenged to try to give out a CD in a language called Slovak (not that easy).  She immediately thought she wouldn't be able to do it and I encouraged her to pray that the Lord would bring the perfect person for the CD.  It wasn't 10 minutes later when she approached two ladies asking them to put a sticker on the map showing where they were from.  One of the women told her she was from Slovakia!  And you wouldn't believe what language she spoke... SLOVAK!  Our God is faithful to answer prayers.  What a wonderful lesson for Jayden and the rest of the team.

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