Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Resolution with a Big Impact

And he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none.  And he said to the vinedresser, ‘Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none.  Cut it down.  Why should it use up the ground?’  And he answered him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure.  Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.’”  Luke 13:6-9

Before you make that New Year’s resolution, take a moment to reflect  on your life.  You are the fig tree.  Are you bearing fruit?  If you call yourself a believer in Jesus Christ bearing fruit means you should be producing evidence of that.  Would people look at your life and see Jesus?  Are you serving, growing, fellowshipping, and sharing Christ with others?  In Luke it says, Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required.”  We have been blessed with spiritual gifts and a comfortable life; are you using it to bless others?

This year, resolve to bear fruit.  It will be the one resolution that could have an impact for eternity!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Culiacan 2015 and a Peek into Paige's Time there

Paige & Taylor committed to going to Culiacan for 6 weeks to teach the director's children during the day and share the gospel in the work camps at night.

A team of 10 Americans were able to join Paige & Taylor for one week of ministry!
It's that time of year again; time to pray how the Lord wants YOU to be involved in the Culiacan Project.  Will you be a sender?  Will you pray?  Or is this your year to go?  We are in need of two women to help the director's three children with their schoolwork.  This commitment is 5 weeks and will go from January 19 - February 21.  We will also be taking a team the week of Feb. 7-15 to share the gospel in the work camps.  The project will be happening from January 25-February 21 and you are welcome to be a part for one week or all four (for more info see the Mission Trip Opportunity page).  Contact me with questions or for more information.  Below is one of Paige's journal entry from her time in Culiacan.  I pray it is an encouragement to you.

"The 5 weeks that I spent in Culiacán were incredible. Although God taught me a million and one things throughout the duration of the trip, probably the biggest thing he showed me was how powerful He truly is. The people we ministered to in the camps were so poor, they work six days a week for 8 dollars a day. Not only that, but when their shift is over, they have to prepare dinner and hand wash their clothes. Even the missionaries we worked along side struggle with finances and things that most Americans never worry about in their lives. It's easy to feel appreciative for the things we have, but what's harder to do is realize that God is enough for them, he can fulfill them. Coming into the camps as a spoiled American my first thought is why on earth are we only giving them booklets and CDs? These kids need shoes and clothes, the parents need more food and clothes for themselves. What earthly possessions can I provide for these people so they can live more like I do? That is totally the wrong thinking and I'm ashamed that I went into this having that attitude. God is all powerful! For the people who heard the truth and accepted it, God's grace was such a special gift. It really makes me reflect on my cushy American life and realize that there are many things I should leave at God's feet instead of at the doctors or the mechanics. If we don't have faith that God can take care of our needs during a head cold, how can we truly give our lives over to him? The people who truly have needs, life or death needs (like the people in the camps) it's a blessing, they have complete faith that God will carry them through and then they are blessed because of course he can! "

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Prayers Needed!

2014 has been an exciting year in ministry for our family.  We have been involved in running a variety of short term mission teams and local outreaches.  Emil has gone to countless (really we lost count) of conferences and conventions to share about GRN and network with others in ministry.  The Lord has opened a door for me (Stacy) to be able to burn and distribute over 20,000 CDs here in the US to those reaching the lost.  In addition to that, Emil has filled many rolls in the office from distribution director, operations manager to helping in finance (and the list goes on).  Next week we will be traveling to Ohio to help train new staff to also conduct local outreaches and distribution.  Outside the office has been exciting as well.  Emil has been able to supplement our support by doing taxes and real estate.  I have been able to focus on the girls’ schooling.  Life has been crazy, and if you read my latest blog post you will know I mean that in a positive way!  We thank you for being a part of this team to make all of this happen in 2014!

We need your prayers for 2015.  Although 2014 is not yet over, 2015 planning has already begun and we want to be in the Lord’s will in ALL that we do.  Our goals and objectives for ministry in 2015 are now being prayed about and written.   On the calendar, we already are planning to take teams to Culiacan, Nepal and D.C.  In addition to this we have already penciled in 5 festivals for local outreach.  Emil will continue to represent GRN at conferences across the USA.  Unless the Lord plans otherwise, he will also continue to prepare taxes and work real estate for additional support.  We anticipate an increase in the number of CDs to be distributed and are planning on training volunteers to work alongside us in this.  These items are just an overview of what we already see for 2015.  We need you to pray that we truly are following the Lord’s will in ministry and for our family.  Our attitude has been and will continue to be… that this plan is Our Plan B, and when the Lord is ready, He will show us His Plan A!  Please pray that the Lord makes His Plan apparent to us.  We are so very grateful for you all, your support, your prayers and your encouragement!

Craziness Defined

Today’s dictionary defines the word CRAZINESS” two different ways.  The first says it means to be mentally deranged, demented, and insane.  The second defines “craziness” as intensely enthusiastic, passionately excited, unusual, wonderful and perfect.  Daily, I find myself responding to peoples’ question of, “How are things going,” with the statement that, “Life is crazy!”  And it is.  Emil and I (Stacy) have dedicated our lives to serving the Lord, and that, coupled with raising a family and making ends meet, produces sheer craziness”.  If I’m honest I would have to admit that some days I feel like the “craziness” of life fits the first definition; mentally deranged, demented and insane.  But when I am able to take a step back for a breath I can see that our lives, although not always easy, fit the second definition.  Our time is spent serving, equipping and loving others; and although these things fill up our calendar, they also fill up our cups.  The craziness” of our lives is intensely enthusiastic, passionately exciting, unusual, wonderful and perfect!  I thank the Lord for the “craziness” of my life.  I pray too that you are able to experience the right type of “craziness” in your life… enthusiasm, passion and wonderful perfection!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Acting with Urgency

Are you approaching life with a sense of urgency?  Look around at today's world.  Our time here is short.  The Lord is calling you to share the Good News of salvation with urgency. This verse from the amplified version surely takes all our excuses away.  Approach today with URGENCY!

Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2 AMP)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Perspectives Class... Coming Soon!

SAVE the DATE for the next Perspectives Class!

This opportunity only comes once every few years so don't miss out.  Space is limited.

Perspectives will open your eyes to what the Lord is doing around the world through His people and how you fit into His plan.  Every week you'll learn from the experiences of those who have served and are serving the Lord across the globe through various organizations, projects and venues.

Class Information:
      Dates:  January 19-May 11, 2015
      Time:  Monday Nights 6:30pm
      Options:  Enrichment, certificate or college credit
      Location: Global Recordings Network
                       41823 Enterprise Circle N. Ste 200, Temecula, Ca. 92590

Contact us now to let us know you are interested in more information and early registration discounts.  Registration will begin in October.

Contact:  Stacy Meyer at stacymeyer@globalrecordings.net or call 951.303.9300

For more information about Perspectives visit www.perspectives.org.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The 2014 DC Numbers Are In!

Each dot represents where people called "home".

The numbers are in!
The team of 28 servants worked a full 7 days on the mall handing out CDs and witnessing to visitors from ALL over the world.  And the Lord is so faithful, because he took our team and one week of time and used us to hand out 5059 CDs in 120 Languages!
The pictures of the map show the stickers people were placing to represent "home".  It was amazing to see how wide reaching this ministry was.  What other outreach can you be a part of where you can reach people from the most desolate places of Russia and Iceland, to China and North Korea, and  all the way to the tiniest islands that most of us have never heard of?  So many countries that are closed to the Gospel, were represented here and open to taking a CD. This is truly Foreign Missions on US Soil!  Thank you for your support, prayers and participation!  Next year, God willing, we will be in the same place during the same week.  Start praying now about getting involved.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Languages, Conversations, and a Roll Away Bed

We've just finished our third day on the National Mall in Washington DC, where our team has given out CDs oin 85 different languages. This map is a new concept we've added this year and has drawn a ton of people to our booth. We are having them put a sticky dot on the map to represent where they are from. In the process we are able to find out what language they speak and get them a CD. It is a team effort and had been super interesting to see how many countries have been represented in our location. 

Many have had opportunities to have conversations with people about Christ and what they believe. Pray for changed lives. 

And there has been a lot of fun and team bonding. Thanks for the prayers. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What Does A Closed Door Really Mean?

What does a closed door really mean?  Failure? Grief? A wrong decision? 
For two years I (Stacy) worked a few hours a week at our church doing bookkeeping. I enjoyed the staff and was able to make some additional income for our family.  In January the Lord closed the door to that opportunity, and although I felt at peace with the decision, I had to really trust his "redirection" in my life.  I was walking away from additional income and missing the extra time with my church family.

The lack of funds wasn't shared with anyone, but God knew.  And within less than a month we received a donation from a couple, feeling led by the Lord, that totaled the same amount of money I would have made working at church for a year.  We were speechless, humbled and encouraged.

The time I would have spent working at church is now spent working at GRN distributing CDs.  Emil and I began the year with the goal of giving out 10,000 CDs of the gospel in 2014 (not a small feat for year one).  As of June, the Lord has allowed us to give out almost 7,000 CDs (and all before our trip to DC).  The Lord is so much bigger than what our minds can fathom!

So, what does a closed door really mean?  Well, pray diligently, trust completely and walk in obedience to what the Lord puts before you and you will soon find out!

DC 2014 - Trusting the Lord

Just part of the 29 members of this year's DC team! 
    "Foreign Missions on US Soil" is a theme we've been accustomed to using as we describe our mission outreach to Washington, D.C.  Over the 4th of July week over half a million people come to visit the National Mall.   Our team of 29 will be partnering with other Christian organizations and churches to "reach the WORLD for Christ" as we hand out CDs of the gospel message in their heart languages.  Last year we gave out 4000 CDs in 110 languages.  Only the Lord knows what is planned for this year's experience.  We are simply trusting the Lord!
Please Pray for :
                   Divine appointments with people
                   Changed lives - both people coming to Christ and our team that is growing in the Lord
                   Team Unity
                   All the logistics of travel, set up, finances, etc.   

Monday, May 19, 2014

Our CDs Talk, But They Don't Walk!

Just one more way to reach the world for Christ!

Here is the perfect way for you to reach the world - One CD at a Time!  This is our latest project at Global Recordings Network (GRN) in the Distribution Department.  It is a CD rack that we load up with the most common languages in YOUR area.  We place the racks in churches and organizations and people can use the CDs to give to people they meet who speak a language other than English.  The message on the CD varies a bit.  Some have Bible stories, testimonies, and songs, but they ALL have the Gospel message and an invitation to receive Christ.  This is a great way to do missions right in your community.  We are looking for people who are interested in having a rack and promoting its use.  If you are interested contact us.  Watch for a rack coming to your area soon! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tagalog, Vietnamese, Korean... Oh My!

Tony (aged 8) "loves his job" of giving people the Gospel message in their language!  See the security guard in red?  He came by to let us know that as he was walking the festival he was praying for our team. 

This was our first year at the San Diego Asian Heritage Festival, but Lord willing, we will return!  With a team of 39 people, we were able to hand out 543 CDs in 33 different languages in a festival that was less than two blocks long.  At least 90% of the festival visitors spoke a language other than English.  This was a wonderful taste of missions for those on our team.  Several team members had the opportunity to have extended conversations with individuals about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  What a blessed day.  We are praising the Lord for His plan for the day and praying that His Word will not return void.

Brad and Joyce got ready for DC by training on the duplicators!

Get Involved in Missions!

Here is an opportunity to get involved in missions... right in Temecula!  Global Recordings Network, GRN, is having a 75th Anniversary Open House this Saturday, May 16, from 1-5pm.  You can come any time and witness the amazing faithfulness of the Lord over the past 75 years and what He is doing right now in the organization.  See a recording demonstration, visit the vault, hear stories from the field, take a tour, learn how to use GRN resources or how you can join the team of volunteers and staff, and much, much more! 
Saturday, May 16 from 1-5pm (come any time)
Global Recordings Network
41823 Enterprise Circle North, Suite 200
Temecula, Ca. 92590

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What Part of the Harvest is Your Responsibility?

Alejandra (lives in the work camp) and Stacy - Culiacan, Mexico

Before a crop is harvested, a great deal of work must happen.  Someone needs to prepare the soil.  Another needs to plant the seed.  Then along comes the one who will add the water.  Soon, fertilizer needs to be added to encourage growth.  And when the time is right, someone gets to harvest the fruit.  An individual's journey toward salvation is very similar.  We, as believers, have a part to play in the harvest of souls.  What part are you playing in the lives of people you encounter throughout your day?  Are you preparing the soil with kind words, planting the seed of what the Lord has done in your life, fertilizing with words of encouragement or picking the fruit when the time's right?
This is Alejandra.  I, along with two others, were sharing the Gospel with her at the door of her room in the work camp.  She spoke Spanish so we returned to the van to get her a CD of the Gospel in Spanish.  Upon returning to her room she handed me a huge bag of cucumbers (the crop she had been picking).  She told me that she remembered me from last year when I happened to be the one to come to her door.  She asked if I remembered that last year she gave me a bag of tomatoes (which is not a common occurrence), which I did.  We were there that day watering the seeds that had been planted the previous year.  It was a good reminder to me that the Lord has given us all a part in the harvest.  It isn't always about being the one to harvest the fruit; the Lord is asking us to be responsible for the part of the harvest he puts before us!

Of Course that Happened!

Moments after boarding the airplane and getting settled into our seats both Trish and Suzanne took out their glasses and had an arm break off.  We all laughed proclaiming, "Of course that happened!"  The moment you are obedient to the Lord you need to get ready for the trials to begin.  That's why the Bible tells you to arm yourself, because you are entering a battle.  But when those trials come, know that the Lord is bigger yet, and it's always best to be IN the Lord's will, then OUT of it!  Satan worked overtime trying to detour our team from making that trip down to Culiacan (using trials much bigger than broken glasses), but guess who won....
Taylor, Joan, Stacy, Jonathan, Paige, Bill, Ben, Suzanne, Nate, Trish

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Overwhelmed By What?

Wow, in the past two months our family has been through a lot, from the death of my father and Emil's grandmother to two mission teams, an outreach and a new semester in school. Like many of you, I can quickly get overwhelmed with life's craziness. But last week they played a song at church called "Overwhelmed". The lyrics were about being overwhelmed in The Lord.
This has become my theme song as I go through this season of time.  I pray it speaks to you in mighty ways.  Be overwhelmed in the Lord, instead of overwhelmed by the world!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Lunar Fest 2014


We had 28 people, both young and the not so young, join this year's Lunar Festival team in Riverside, California.  Our youth offered free face painting which brought lines of people all day.  The entire team worked diligently to find out if each festival visitor spoke a language other than English.  If they did, they were given a free CD, containing the Gospel message, in their native language.  We were able to give out 437 CDs in 33 languages!  Now we are praying that lives are changed though these recordings. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Starting with Plan B, Waiting for Plan A

I (Stacy) am a planner.  I love lists, schedules and my calendar which often dictates my week.  I plan my day, my family's social life, school, mission trips and ministry events.  Typically, I plan things out well in advance and follow through on each task... just as planned.  Recently I have learned how my "planning" has affected our family and ministry.  I have the attitude that I will devise a Plan A and if God has us go in another direction, well, that's ok, I will move to Plan B.

Did you catch that?  It's my Plan A and God's Plan B?  That doesn't sound very "Christ-like" does it?  The Lord allowed me to get a glimpse of my attitude over the past six weeks.  My father went into the hospital on Thanksgiving and passed away two days after Christmas.  None of this was part of my Plan A.  Many daily tasks, holiday events, and preplanned activities were cleared from my calendar.  Our family was changed forever. But as difficult as it all was, it was the Lord's plan... and He only has a Plan A.

It was during this time that I realized, as I am planning, whether it's my day or a major event,
I need to start with Plan B.... then wait for the Lord's Plan A.  I encourage you all to join me in doing the same.