Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Craziness Defined

Today’s dictionary defines the word CRAZINESS” two different ways.  The first says it means to be mentally deranged, demented, and insane.  The second defines “craziness” as intensely enthusiastic, passionately excited, unusual, wonderful and perfect.  Daily, I find myself responding to peoples’ question of, “How are things going,” with the statement that, “Life is crazy!”  And it is.  Emil and I (Stacy) have dedicated our lives to serving the Lord, and that, coupled with raising a family and making ends meet, produces sheer craziness”.  If I’m honest I would have to admit that some days I feel like the “craziness” of life fits the first definition; mentally deranged, demented and insane.  But when I am able to take a step back for a breath I can see that our lives, although not always easy, fit the second definition.  Our time is spent serving, equipping and loving others; and although these things fill up our calendar, they also fill up our cups.  The craziness” of our lives is intensely enthusiastic, passionately exciting, unusual, wonderful and perfect!  I thank the Lord for the “craziness” of my life.  I pray too that you are able to experience the right type of “craziness” in your life… enthusiasm, passion and wonderful perfection!

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