Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Prayers Needed!

2014 has been an exciting year in ministry for our family.  We have been involved in running a variety of short term mission teams and local outreaches.  Emil has gone to countless (really we lost count) of conferences and conventions to share about GRN and network with others in ministry.  The Lord has opened a door for me (Stacy) to be able to burn and distribute over 20,000 CDs here in the US to those reaching the lost.  In addition to that, Emil has filled many rolls in the office from distribution director, operations manager to helping in finance (and the list goes on).  Next week we will be traveling to Ohio to help train new staff to also conduct local outreaches and distribution.  Outside the office has been exciting as well.  Emil has been able to supplement our support by doing taxes and real estate.  I have been able to focus on the girls’ schooling.  Life has been crazy, and if you read my latest blog post you will know I mean that in a positive way!  We thank you for being a part of this team to make all of this happen in 2014!

We need your prayers for 2015.  Although 2014 is not yet over, 2015 planning has already begun and we want to be in the Lord’s will in ALL that we do.  Our goals and objectives for ministry in 2015 are now being prayed about and written.   On the calendar, we already are planning to take teams to Culiacan, Nepal and D.C.  In addition to this we have already penciled in 5 festivals for local outreach.  Emil will continue to represent GRN at conferences across the USA.  Unless the Lord plans otherwise, he will also continue to prepare taxes and work real estate for additional support.  We anticipate an increase in the number of CDs to be distributed and are planning on training volunteers to work alongside us in this.  These items are just an overview of what we already see for 2015.  We need you to pray that we truly are following the Lord’s will in ministry and for our family.  Our attitude has been and will continue to be… that this plan is Our Plan B, and when the Lord is ready, He will show us His Plan A!  Please pray that the Lord makes His Plan apparent to us.  We are so very grateful for you all, your support, your prayers and your encouragement!

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