Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What Does A Closed Door Really Mean?

What does a closed door really mean?  Failure? Grief? A wrong decision? 
For two years I (Stacy) worked a few hours a week at our church doing bookkeeping. I enjoyed the staff and was able to make some additional income for our family.  In January the Lord closed the door to that opportunity, and although I felt at peace with the decision, I had to really trust his "redirection" in my life.  I was walking away from additional income and missing the extra time with my church family.

The lack of funds wasn't shared with anyone, but God knew.  And within less than a month we received a donation from a couple, feeling led by the Lord, that totaled the same amount of money I would have made working at church for a year.  We were speechless, humbled and encouraged.

The time I would have spent working at church is now spent working at GRN distributing CDs.  Emil and I began the year with the goal of giving out 10,000 CDs of the gospel in 2014 (not a small feat for year one).  As of June, the Lord has allowed us to give out almost 7,000 CDs (and all before our trip to DC).  The Lord is so much bigger than what our minds can fathom!

So, what does a closed door really mean?  Well, pray diligently, trust completely and walk in obedience to what the Lord puts before you and you will soon find out!

1 comment:

Ministry with the Meyers said...
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