Thursday, July 10, 2014

The 2014 DC Numbers Are In!

Each dot represents where people called "home".

The numbers are in!
The team of 28 servants worked a full 7 days on the mall handing out CDs and witnessing to visitors from ALL over the world.  And the Lord is so faithful, because he took our team and one week of time and used us to hand out 5059 CDs in 120 Languages!
The pictures of the map show the stickers people were placing to represent "home".  It was amazing to see how wide reaching this ministry was.  What other outreach can you be a part of where you can reach people from the most desolate places of Russia and Iceland, to China and North Korea, and  all the way to the tiniest islands that most of us have never heard of?  So many countries that are closed to the Gospel, were represented here and open to taking a CD. This is truly Foreign Missions on US Soil!  Thank you for your support, prayers and participation!  Next year, God willing, we will be in the same place during the same week.  Start praying now about getting involved.

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