Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Have You Heard About Global Recordings Network?

"Have you heard about Global Recordings Network?"  We must have repeated that line hundreds of times over the course of the conference.  "We make audio recordings of Bible stories.  They are free to download and copy right off the internet.  We have over 6000 languages."  It's at that point that people look at you a bit stunned. 
How could this resource have been around for the past 74 years and yet, they are just hearing of it now.

The Missio Nexus Mission Leaders's Conference was my first for promoting GRN, but Emil has had the privilege of attending numerous over the past two years.  It was exciting to have the opportunity to give individuals, organizations and churches a tool and ideas to reach the lost in their heart language.  They were excited to think of the possibilities in their communities and around the globe.  I actually had several people thank us for being there!

I learned so much during this conference.  I was encouraged to meet and learn about other churches and organizations actively reaching the world for Christ.  Having Emil and Dale Rickards there enabled me to learn a lot more about GRN as well.  But best of all, we made connections with others that we pray will further the spread of the Gospel.  Thanks to all who were praying!  Praise the Lord!

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