Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What is a Refugee?


In 2012, nearly 60,000 people were admitted into the United States as refugees.  A refugee is defined as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her country because of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, member in a particular social group, or political opinion.  There are hundreds of thousands of people living here in the United States as refugees and we want to reach them with the Word of God.
While in Utah, on a mission trip to witness to the Mormons, Emil and I had the opportunity to meet with Ed and Sherry, who work with Karen refugees from Burma.  Currently, the highest populations of refugees are coming to the US from Burma, Bhutan, Iraq, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti and Nepal.  The military is trying to wipe out any people groups that are of varying ethnicities.  The Karen people are just one of these groups.  These people have fled their country for safety and a future for their families.  Ed and Sherry, along with many others, are helping these individuals with their daily needs in life, while sharing about salvation through Jesus Christ.  We were able to give them a box of CDs, with audio recordings of Bible stories and the Gospel message, in several of the dialects of these people. 
For GRN (Global Recordings Network), this is an exciting connection.  GRN has over 59 recordings in Karen dialects!  Giving these people the message of salvation in their heart language is a powerful tool!  This is just one of the refugee groups in Logan, Utah.  Across the US there are so many more.  Please pray for these connections and the possibilities for foreign missions right here on US soil.  Our God is mighty and all powerful, so pray that we can put the Gospel message into the hands of every refugee in their heart language!

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