Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Failure vs. Rejection

At the Missio Nexus Mission Leader's Conference, Emil and I had the opportunity to hear Francis Chan (Author of Crazy Love) speak.  His message was simple, yet convicting...

"Rejection does not mean failure.  Failure is when we refuse to be rejected!"

Failure is when we no longer stand for the Gospel and what it says... both repentance and redemption.
Failure is when we try to repackage the Gospel to make it more palatable for the listener.  When we lead people to believe that they can go on living their life, and just add Jesus to it.  Failure is not caring enough about others to share the Gospel with them. Failure is not standing up for the Gospel!  And when you do stand up for the Gospel, remember, you just might be rejected... but you definitely won't be a failure.

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