Friday, August 9, 2013

What Arrows are in Your Quiver?

Imagine you have a quiver strapped to your back everyday, throughout your lifetime.  The arrows that fill your quiver are the skills, experiences and knowledge the Lord has allowed you to learn or be a part of over time.  With each new experience or each newly acquired skill He adds a new arrow to your quiver... ready to be used when He calls.

What arrows do you have in your quiver?  Have you ever found yourself wondering why the Lord had you learn a skill you seem to not need?  Why did you have to take that class in school?  Why did you have that painful experience?  Maybe it is because the Lord is filling your quiver... preparing you for an opportunity He has already prepared for you in the future.  A time may be coming when He is going to ask you to take that arrow, aim and shoot.  Are you going to be ready?  Are you going to be willing?  Will you be obedient to use the arrow He has given you?

The Ecuador team is back now and Chet Williams, the missionary we went to work alongside, shared this idea of arrows in your quiver while we were there.  I must say that one of the greatest highlights of my experience there was watching our team use the arrows in their quiver to serve others, and in turn, serve the Lord.  I saw the Lord working in each individual, growing them, stretching them, asking them to step out and then.... I saw many take the challenge and shoot their arrow.

As you go throughout your day, be careful to notice when the Lord is calling you to use one of the arrows He has already placed in your quiver.  You will surely be blessed if you do!

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