Monday, July 8, 2013

Working Together for God's Glory

Pastor Matt and Steve had quite a lengthy and interesting conversation with these Jews.
Joe worked quickly to keep up with our duplicating needs. 

A great story ...

Although the primary focus of the DC team was handing out CDs, we had a handful of really good conversations where we were able to share the Gospel. 

Three guys came to the booth and said they spoke Spanish. I asked if they happened to speak a dialect and they did. I played the dialect on my phone to ensure I had the right one and then told them it would take about 5 minutes to make them copies. They chose to wait in the shade of the next tent which was run by two ladies sharing the Gospel through the colors on a salvation bracelet. Maribelle Coleman went to help translate into Spanish. While they waited for their CD they heard the Gospel and then prayed to receive Christ. I then handed them the Gospel in their dialect which they will be able to listen to and share with others. The Lord really does work in mysterious ways!

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