Friday, July 19, 2013

Pray for Ecuador

I (Stacy) will be leaving Sunday, July 21 for a two week trip to Ecuador.  I will be going with three other adults and 19 high school and college students.  We will be there to support the ministry of Chet and Katie Williams, with Commission to Every Nation, doing construction work in Shell and then putting on a Christian family camp on the beach in Same (the name of the town). 

In addition to this we will have an opportunity to meet up with Gustavo and Ines Calixto, with Global Recordings Network, and take them much needed equipment and materials.

We do not take this experience lightly.  The Lord has called us and Satan would like nothing better than to destroy the ministry.  We desperately need people to commit to praying daily for our team.

Please pray...

     1.  That all equipment, materials and luggage arrives, nothing is stolen, and it is all given the green light by customs.

     2.  That the Lord would prepare our hearts for what He wants to teach us.

     3.  That the Lord would prepare the hearts of the lost and lives are changed.

     4.   For team unity.

     5.  Safety and Health


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