Wednesday, July 3, 2013

God's Plan Can Not Be Stopped

There is a folk life festival close to us that is highlighting language groups that are at risk of dying out. Today a few of us went there and worked to find out exactly what language each of these people spoke and if we had the recording. I had a few of these people, that were flown in to represent these people groups, listen to the language on my phone. They smiled as they listened. I had one of the languages already burned on CDs and went to share them. I was told I was not allowed to give them anything. Not a moment later someone came to escort us out and told us we were not permitted to come back.  Oh, how frustrating!  They were trying to promote these languages yet obviously didn't truly care about these groups. 

A few hours later these two young people came to our tent and asked for Hawaiian. I played the recoding on my phone to make sure it was the correct language. They recognized the voice as their professor's, who happened to be at the festival of at risk languages (the one we got kicked out of). They were so excited that they took a handful of CDs back to that people group in the festival. Just goes to show that nobody can stop God's plan!

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