Sunday, February 3, 2013

Yes, Missionaries Have Fun Too!

After a great five days in the camps we were given Saturday and Sunday to rest.  Yes, missionaries get to have fun too!  Actually, I have begun to think that if we started sharing the fun parts of being in missions maybe more people would join us.  Don't get me wrong.  The ministry is a huge blessing and a lot of fun too, but having a bit of down time is a blessing also.

On Saturday three vans of people made their way an hour out of Culiacan to an area that has hot springs.  We were able to relax in the hot pools and spend a lot of time laughing and playing and getting to know one another a bit more. 

Later that night, after returning back at Camp Esperanza, we were went across the street to a local taco house.  Yum!  Nothing beats a real Mexican taco!

Chucho, Deborah, Josue, Diana, Stacy, Arturo & Miquelito (Mikey)

Sunday morning we joined a team that went to a small church in town.  It was a great time of worship and was a short service (2 1/2 hours).  The pastor spoke about "Listening for the Lord."  When was the last time you listened?  Really, listened?  I know that listening to the Lord at home is often difficult with the craziness of life.   One thing I love about short term trips is the focus on listening to the Lord.  I need to be better about doing the same in everyday life.
The congregation made lunch for us after the service and we were able to fellowship with some really kind people.  Afterwards we went back to the camp to get a bit of work done!  This is where I learn to appreciate my luxuries of home.... like the washing machine!  
Thanks so much for all the prayers!  We are definitely feeling them!

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