Saturday, February 9, 2013

Only a Hair in the Body of Christ

Team Temecula- Ready to do our part
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ you are part of the church body and the Bible is clear... you are called to do your part.  Just as your body could not function properly without each part (eyes, organs, legs and skin), the body of Christ (the church body) cannot function properly without everyone doing their part.  This week I overheard a member of my team say that he'd be blessed just to be a hair in the body.  A hair! Do you have that same attitude?  I certainly don't and need to pray for that type of humility. 
So, what part are you playing in the body?  Are you crippling the body by not doing your part or are you building up the body by exercising what you've been given? 
The Bible is clear... read it for yourself (I Corinthians 12).
Ed Young, one of founders of the Culiacan Project shared how it all began.

Mike Garcia Helped lead worship
 Mike helped duplicate CDs to take to the camp
Art was the team mechanic fixing all of the vehicles
I was the resident teacher.  Even the kids I didn't teach called me "teacher".



1 comment:

Randi said...

I love that! A hair....thank u for sharing Stacy. : )