Friday, February 1, 2013

The Lord at Work

Before we leave for a camp, we pray.  Before we get into the vans, we pray.  On the way to the camp, we pray.  We pray for protection.  We pray for God's grace with the overseers of the camp so that they will allow us to enter.  We pray for open hearts and receptive people.  We pray that our equipment and vehicle work.  But most of all, we pray for the Holy Spirit's presence.  We pray that the Lord use us and that we would be usable.

Emil always says... the Lord isn't looking for your abilities, but your availability.  We make ourselves available and wait in anticipation for what the Lord would have us do... and there is always something!

Last night, before we arrived, a Christian man living in Camp 15 was praying for his baby that was very sick.  He was crying out to the Lord, "Lord, where are you.  I don't see you here.  Please, show yourself to me."  Following his prayer his young son went out of their cuarto (room) and noticed our projection screen set up and the clowns we had ministering to the children.  He could hear the message of Christ that they were sharing and he said, "Thank you Lord.  You are here!"
The night went well as we each had our specific jobs.  Diana and I went door to door diagnosing what language each person spoke (there were 4 teams doing the same throughout the camp).

Dale was burning CDs in each of the languages we needed.
This woman was overjoyed at receiving the story of Christ in her indigenous language.  She blessed Diana and I with these beautiful tomatoes; a precious gift when you have so little.

At the end of the night our team packed up and climbed back into the van.  Then, the Christian man mentioned earlier came to invite our entire team (of 14) to his room for coffee.  When someone offers you something... you go.  It is important to be in the moment and aware of how the Lord is at work.  We all went back to his room and sat in a group outside the door as they served all of us coffee.  This truly was sacrificial giving.  This man, a believer, wanted to begin to teach others in the camp about Christ and a godly life.  A few years ago he had received a CD of the Gospel message in his language.  That was the seed and now he's ready to grow.   What an encouragement to the teams to hear his story and see the fruit of their labor.  We supplied him with materials and then prayed for the healing of his sick baby and an anointing on his life in this camp.
What a blessed night.  Since I've been here I've felt a bit out of my comfort zone at times, but if I didn't take one step forward each moment (regardless of my feelings) I surely would miss out on these amazing blessings.  Thank you Lord for allowing me this privilege.


1 comment:

Becca Lauren said...

I love reading about how God is using you on this trip, Mama! And I love and miss you so much!!!!!!!
Becca <3