Monday, January 28, 2013

Culiacan Project Begins

Tonight was our first night out in the camps.  There are three teams this week.  Our team has 13 people and tonight we went to a fairly small camp (just a few hundred people).  I was on a diagnosing team with Lydia and Adrian (above) and our job was to go room to room finding out where each family is from and what language they speak.  We then gave them a CD of Bible stories in their language.  Because there were not a lot of people living in this camp we were able to spend more time with each person... and several on our route prayed to receive Christ.  God is awesome always!
My heart broke while in this particular camp.  When we first arrived many of the parents were not home from work and I couldn't believe the number of young children (under the age of 8) that were caring (all day) for several siblings, younger than themselves.  As we were making our rounds we walked up to a hammock that appeared to have a crying baby wrapped up under a blanket.  I looked around and there was no one in sight so I unwrapped the baby and consoled him.  I sat by the hammock for about 15 minutes feeding him his bottle and rocking him... and all the while no one came to check on him.  Soon after, a little girl came with a baby and a two year old.  This little girl (aged 8) was caring for the baby above, another baby and a two year old.  We had a team playing with the kids and the girl had been off wanting to be involved, yet here she was... torn between caring for her siblings and being a child.  I cried.  It broke my heart to think of the desperation these parents have to be at to leave your children behind to fend for themselves.  Pray for these children, their protection and their salvation.  They need a hope that only the Lord can provide! And kiss your kids and those who care for them, because you have no idea how good we've got it!


Anonymous said...

God sends out his workers and He also sends out His angels. Good job sweetie, you are an angel in His service. Emil

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I can't even believe it. The Lord might have had you there at that moment to protect them from something! I will be praying. Jena

Anonymous said...

We have no idea what families from a different culture have to do to provide just basic needs. Thank you for sharing your heart. Virginia

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a story. We really have no idea how good we have it!So glad you were their to comfort that sweet baby.Reading all your blogs..keep posting! Love to you! Heather