Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Before the Camps

The Culiacan Project ministers to the people who are working in the camps picking vegetables.  Because of this our teams do not go out to the camps until 3:30 in the afternoon when the people begin returning home from work.  Before we go out our team of 45 (this week) has an entire camp and ministry to maintain and each of us has specific jobs during the day.  You might clean the bathrooms, prepare the meals or prepare the materials for each night.  My job, while here at Camp Esperanza, is to school Deborah and Josue (the children of the Directors, Chucho and Diana Loyo). 

Dale has been hard at work as well.  Each morning he spends time helping his team prepare for the night's work.  That includes organizing equipment, burning CDs and washing the vans.  He is also on the team that prepares lunch each day.  I'm sure he's learning a lot of new words that are going to come in handy in the kitchen (get ready Valerie).

It is a privilege to be used by the Lord in all things... the big and the small.  Thank you Lord for using us!


Anonymous said...

That is awesome Stacy, praying for you! Jena

Anonymous said...

Awesome Stacy!! We are praying for you!! Heather

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Stacy for your help and job with our childrens (D & J) blessings!