Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Results...this Side of Heaven

The results are in, well, the results...this side of heaven!

This year...

A team of 33 individuals gave out

5,974 CDs of the gospel message

in 133 languages/dialects

Praise the Lord and all Glory to Him!

Team DC 2016

Celebrating Day 5

We began Day 5, the 4th of July, early in the morning by breaking up into 4 teams to hand out CDs of the parade route.  While people were saving their spot, waiting for the parade to begin, we asked them what language they spoke and gave them a CD.  Over 1000 CDs went out in an hour!  The Lord held back the rain for some time, but when it did come we zipped up the tent.  Some hunkered down to play some games inside while others went to tour the museums for a bit.  Both Pastor Eddie and Pastor Derek had opportunities to share the plan of salvation from the stage to those passing by on the mall.  There were many witnessing opportunities and sweet conversations with visitors.  The night ended with a fireworks celebration, reminding us of the freedoms we still have here in the United States. 

Part of the 4th of July Parade in front of the White House

Pastor Eddie & Pastor Derek shared the Gospel for ALL to hear!
Becca and Eddie had a chance to play some worship music from stage

Witnessing opportunities
It rained a portion of the day so we hunkered down in the tent

Celebrating our freedoms in this beautiful country!

A Special Surprise

On last year's DC trip a man fell to the ground near our tent with heart failure.  Shannon, a nurse and one of our team members, had been feeling discouraged and was praying asking the Lord what his plan was for her on this mission trip.  As soon as she returned to the booth she saw the man, Warren, collapse.  Immediately, she ran to him and began CPR.  It was her quick response that saved his life.  This morning, exactly one year later, Warren and his wife, Maxine, came to meet our team and thank Shannon.  They shared that the Lord had used the entire trial for so many amazing things!  Praise the Lord.

Shannon, Warren and Maxine


DC 2015 Day 4

Day 4 ended with a total of 116 languages handed out!  It takes an entire team, gifted in many ways, to make an outreach such as this one effective.  We thank the Lord for gifting each one of us in special and unique ways.

It's a beautiful thing to serve alongside new friends

It's amazing how many countries were represented throughout the week

These dear ladies sleeved 1000's of CDs... as they prayed for God's mighty work

Taking pictures for people is one way to ask where they are from and give them CDs.  This group would not take the CDs from Stacy, but when Tate and Josh took their picture they lined up for free CDs in Mandarin!

This strip (difficult to see) was full of hundreds of little round stickers for people to put on the map.  Josh challenged himself to not stop working until he spoke with that many people today.  It took 4 hours, but he did it!

DC 2016 Day 3

Day 3 ended with a total of 89 languages handed out from our little booth on the National Mall!  A multitude of CDs are going out and there have been some great conversations as well.  It's amazing how people who are visiting from closed countries are hearing about Christ for the first time!

Sharing GRN Website, where you can hear the gospel in over 6,000 languages!

Sharing Christ with those visiting DC
So many visiting from all over the world
Chinese girls showing where they live and receiving the gospel in their language

DC 2016 Day 2

Day 2 was wonderful!  Tons of CDs went out. The team is keeping a list of the languages/dialect names that we give out.  We've already given 60 different languages in the past two days.  The picture below is of our youngest team member, Jayden.  She was challenged to try to give out a CD in a language called Slovak (not that easy).  She immediately thought she wouldn't be able to do it and I encouraged her to pray that the Lord would bring the perfect person for the CD.  It wasn't 10 minutes later when she approached two ladies asking them to put a sticker on the map showing where they were from.  One of the women told her she was from Slovakia!  And you wouldn't believe what language she spoke... SLOVAK!  Our God is faithful to answer prayers.  What a wonderful lesson for Jayden and the rest of the team.

DC 2016 Day 1

As our 6th year in DC begins we are blessed by the team the Lord has put together.  33 individuals have come together, training, praying and growing in preparation for these 6 days on the National Mall where we will be giving out thousands of CDs of the gospel message in languages from around the world.  As Day 1 begins our team is reminded of God's goodness as we enjoy the beautiful weather and some practice.

Preparing Packs of CDs for people to walk around with
Sleeving 1000's of CDs

Duplicating 1000's of CDs
Our booth on the National Mall

Serving Together
Witnessing Opportunities