Monday, November 5, 2012

Growing Your Vision

We have been blessed with such an amazing opportunity to be here in Shell, Ecuador.  We have a team that is compiled of GRN recordists and staff from Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Thailand, USA and France.  Think for a minute how awesome it is to build friendships with those serving the Lord in 10 different countries, throughout one experience! Each of them are involved in unique ministries and are touching the lives of various unreached people groups in their part of the world.

 The Lord is at work in mighty ways around the globe.  Osmani, a brother on the team, shared one day how our vision grows when we leave our country.  That is so true; I have experienced that personally.  But for many, you don't need to leave your country, you first need to leave your seat or your home and reach out to your neighbors.  Others of you need to leave your town or your state.  And many of you are ready to leave your country.  Which are you?  If you want to see what the Lord is doing, you have to leave... leave your comfort zone and check out the view.  The Lord is at work around the world; don't wait for Him to send you an invitation to be a part; just jump aboard and enjoy the view!  I promise you, your vision is going to grow!

Our team had the privilege of sharing in church on Sunday.  The idea of growing your vision is what I shared.  The Lord has really impressed this on my heart to share with others.  I want to challenge you to pray about what the Lord wants you to do to increase your vision of His work around the world.  Then, watch for the door to open!

We are grateful for all of  you who have joined our ministry team through prayer and/or financial support.  We pray that the Lord uses this team to increase your vision for His work around the world.

Gustavo, our teammate living in Ecuador, preached on Sunday at church.  

Our team sharing in church.

The other part of the team (Emil and Becca were home sick).
After church we burned CDs to distribute in the market.  Stacy and Ines.
Our team divided up and went to the market to hand out CDs of the Gospel message in specific languages of the indigenous people.  Ines sharing that we have a free CD in this lady's Quichua language.
This is Eduardo.  He and I were on a distribution team in the market.  We gave out  CDs to the local indigenous people.  This man is listening to see that he understands the message in his language.

Here are your Words of Life!  People were very pleased to get the gift.  Here are Jon, Ines and Eduardo.
People are a bit skeptical when they see two gringas giving something out.  It gave me a chance to practice more Spanish.  (Tate and me)

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