Thursday, November 8, 2012

Adios y Una Sopresa (surprise)!

Tonight we met for dinner before saying goodbye to part of our team who is headed in the opposite direction.  We've gotten to know so many beautiful hearts here and look forward to working alongside each of them in the future.  Saying goodbye is never easy, but looking ahead to the work the Lord is preparing for us is very exciting.

We are leaving Shell in the morning and heading up to Quito.  We will spend the night there, then fly out Saturday morning.  Please pray for all the members of our team as they are headed to about 10 different countries and have items that are crucial to their work that need to make it through customs.

As we were leaving the restaurant tonight the Lord blessed us with a little surprise.  Mincaye (one of the Waorani men responsible for killing Nate Saint and the 5 missionaries in the jungle over 50 years ago) was walking up to the restaurant with his wife and grandson.  He and his wife were extremely gracious and greeted each of us warmly.  If you haven't heard the story of his life and the missionaries that were killed you need to watch "End of the Spear."  It is an incredible example of how the Lord uses everything for good for those called according to his purpose.

We appreciate all of your prayers and support and look forward to seeing you soon!
Mincaye is in the white shirt and his wife is to the left of him.

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