Friday, September 28, 2012

We Made It!

Praise the Lord we made it and let me tell you, it was only by the grace of God!

1.  As you know 1/2 of American Airline flights were delayed and the rest canceled.  Both of our flights departed right on time!  Thanks be to God - Gracias a Dios!

2.  While on the flight a 6 year old girl, sitting in front of us, had a febrile seizure.  Emil recognized what it was and instantly called for Gerry, who is a doctor.  She took care of the little girl and her hysterical mother and all was well.  An emergency at 30,000 feet is a scary thing.  Gracias a Dios!

3.  All 20 plus bags containing 100's of pounds of equipment arrived safely in Quito - yes... ALL OF IT! The agent at LAX actually complimented us on how well we packed.  Thanks to all who helped. Gracias a Dios!

4.  Two international  planes were due to arrive in Quito Wednesday night.  One from Spain and then ours from Miami.  We were supposed to arrive first, but were delayed.  The plane from Spain arrived right before ours and customs must have had extra energy because they went through every piece of luggage that the 400 passengers brought in.  When we made it to customs they let all of our team, but us go through without question.  They questioned Emil about what was in our bags,  but they didn't understand his English.  They proceeded to search our first bag when I remembered Gerry had typed up a letter explaining, in Spanish, the reason for the equipment we were bringing.  I showed the agent the letter and she sent us on through with a smile!  Gracias a Dios!

4.  We spent the night in a hostal in Quito and had an Ecuadorian breakfast of hominy and eggs with cheese and fresh bread.

5.  Thursday - we went to the equator (the actual one) and had a tour and a lesson about what being on the equator means (scientifically).  Did you know that when water goes down the drain, while on the equator, it does not spin to the right or the left, but goes straight down.  If you are in the Northern Hemisphere is turns counter clockwise, and the opposite in the Southern.  Hmmm... did that count as school?

6.  We then traveled 5 hours to Shell.  We stopped for a lunch of fried fish and shrimp.  Yum!  After lunch we continued our journey and the most amazing thing happened.  A rainbow led our way.  It was absolutely beautiful and when I get my camera connected I'll post a picture.  God is so good.  We were already admiring the beautiful jungle, the roaring river, the majestic mountains and then he threw in a rainbow too!  Gracias a Dios!

7.  Friday - We spent the day organizing equipment and finding the stores that we will be shopping at.  

Our family is Fantastico!  The house we are staying in is beautiful!  The people here are so friendly and we have already learned a lot of Spanish.  The girls have adapted beautifully and we are very proud of them.  We are exhausted though and ready for a bit of rest.  I can't tell you the feeling of peace I have felt over the past few days.  We all feel the prayers and know the Lord has his hand on every moment.  Thank you so much for all of your words of encouragement and prayers.  We love you all and look forward to sharing more. I promise not to write a book each time.


Chris Tutt said...

Thanks so much for the update! I'm so happy you all made it there safely. Blessings to you, your family, and the entire team from our family back here. We're praying for you all. May you all glorify the Lord in everything that you say, do, and think while you're there. Looking forward to more updates as your trip progresses!

Anonymous said...

Estamos llenos de gozo por Sus bendiciones para ustedes. Es un privilegio participar en oracion por ustedes. Dios les guarde.


Anonymous said...

Awesome adventure already Meyer family :) God is good! Can't wait to hear more about your time Ecuador over the next few months. Be sure to post lots of pictures! (And I love reading so go ahead and post a novel each time. haha)

Laurie G

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, in regards to water and how it drains, I just happened to come across an article about it on Snopes! Could be a good essay topic for Becca :)


Anonymous said...

I love hearing how God moves and provides for his people including the little girl on the plane. God is amazing! Praying for you,

Love Virginia