Sunday, September 30, 2012

Time for Church!

We just walked into the house and it's almost 3:00.  It's already been a full Sunday here in Shell.  At 7am I (Stacy) went into the neighboring town with a few others to purchase fruit for the team for the week.  There is a large farmer's market on Sundays and it was quite an experience.  I'll share pictures and more about that next Sunday.  Afterwards we all got ready for church.  
We left the house at 10:00 to walk over to church (about 15 minute walk).

We walked through the town and then over this swinging bridge.  It is about 40 feet off the ground and feels as if you are walking in the treetops of a jungle.  It's a bit creaky and well, swinging, which the girls did not like in the beginning, but have come to enjoy already.

Here is where we went to Spanish service this morning.  It is the church that Gustavo and Ines (the local GRN missionaries) with their two young children.

We sang all the same songs that we sing at RBC, well, except they were in Spanish.  The girls enjoyed knowing the tune though.  Singing lasted an hour and then the message another hour.

Afterwards many on our team went to lunch at a "Paradero Vista Hermosa."  A place to eat with a beautiful view.  The view was just like a photograph.  We in California have no concept of the various shades of green that the Lord has given his creation.  This picture surely can not capture it either.

Lunch or almuerzo was excellent.  I had grilled fish with rice and fried plantains.Emil ate fried fish.
The girls ate beef and chicken and drank a new favorite soda called Inca Cola (for Pastor Shane).

We are now home and ready for a bit of a siesta.  The entire team has now arrived in Shell and the recordist training will begin tomorrow.  A handful of the team is not feeling well though.  People were so busy before traveling here and then traveled great distances.  Please pray for health for all.  The Meyer family is all well though!

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