Saturday, February 28, 2015

Train Up Your Children...

Micah helping Emil check the recordings

Abbi putting her skills to work!

Little Tony helping to give out the 1300 Vietnamese CDs

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6

The Bible says we are to train up our children in the ways of the Lord.  Every parent knows that it is impossible to have a lasting impact simply through words; actions much follow each lesson.  What an encouragement to have parents come out to serve with Global Recordings Network at the Vietnamese Tet Festival and bring their children to serve alongside them.  These kiddos helped the team prepare and give out over 1300 CDs of the gospel message (1200 of them were in Vietnamese and the other hundred or so were in 28 different languages).  We can’t be of the mindset that the Lord has a plan for our children when they “grow up”.  The Lord has a plan for them NOW, and they have the abilities to serve now.  This is a challenge to all of us parents.  Are you modeling how to serve the Lord?  Do you give your child opportunities to serve now, even before they have grown?  If you wait, it may be too late.  Pray now about where to start.


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