Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vaminos a Culiacan!

Let's go to Culiacan!  It's that time of year when we are beginning to plan for our annual Culiacan Project experience in January/February of 2016.  Visit our Mission Trip Opportunity page for more information and then check out to learn even more.
We are praying that the Lord stir in the hearts of those He wants there, and that those people are obedient to that leading. 
This year we are also in need of two females to attend the project to tutor the director's children (elementary aged) during the day and participate in the project in the late afternoon.
Please share this information with others who might come to mind!

Monday, September 14, 2015

You're an Important Part of these Results

All of you who support us through prayer, encouragement and finances or have physically served alongside us on short term trips have been a very important part of these results!  Emil and I felt led to open this department 1 1/2 years ago and the Lord has done some mighty things in this short amount of time.  Imagine if even more people got involved in the Lord's work...

The USA Distribution Department, opening only 1 ½ years ago, is a new focus for the USA Global Recordings Network (GRN) office.  The focus of the department is simple; get the recorded messages in the 6,256 languages/dialects into the hands of those who need to hear about salvation through Jesus Christ.  But with a distribution staff of two, and limited funding, this “simple” goal is too big for human hands and has had to be given completely to the Lord; and the results have been unbelievable. 

In the past 1 ½ years the Lord has used the people who pray for GRN, give financially and volunteer their time to reach thousands of the lost with the gospel.  As of August, the USA office has given out a total of 44,599 CDs for free!  In addition to this, GRN USA has been offering ministries a free rack of CDs in the most common languages in their area.  Forty-one racks are already in use across the nation in churches, health clinics, refugee programs, evangelistic ministries, ESL classes and a variety of other organizations.  It has been through donations, both big and small, that GRN has been able to give these CDs and racks out for free.  All future donations will ensure this part of the ministry continues. 

Supplying ministries with these evangelistic CDs is one major avenue of distribution, but involving individuals in the work of GRN through local outreaches and short term mission experiences is another effective way of reaching the lost and training believers to serve in missions.  Since January of 2014 GRN USA has organized and attended 12 local outreaches and ethnic festivals.  These outreaches have given over 250 people the chance to participate on a team and reach the lost through the use of GRN materials.  In addition to these opportunities, the GRN USA office has hosted 5 short term mission teams comprised of a total of 117 people.  These teams, serving both nationally and internationally, spent six months training and building skills for the mission field.  Once on the field, teams reached the lost through the use of GRN materials and evangelistic methods that resulted in changed lives.  The experience of local outreaches and short term missions is one that continues on far past the return home.  Lives are changed; both the lives of those who are hearing of the salvation of Jesus Christ and the believers who are being pushed out of their comfort zone to serve Christ in a new and exciting way.

Although these numbers are astounding, they are only the results this side of heaven.  We will not truly know the extent of this work until we enter the gates of eternal glory.  And what a reward it will be for those who are dedicated to praying for GRN and the recordings that go out, others who give generously to the ministry, and those who volunteer or join the staff!  If you want to know how you can be a part of GRN USA Distribution or other departments contact Stacy Meyer at or

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Don't Pinch Your Fingers in the Door as it Closes

We have in our mind a plan… our plan for what we want to see happen.  Then we take it to the Lord and pray that if it is not His plan, that He shut the door.  This is how I (Stacy) approach many of my decisions in life.  I used to get so tied up in the idea that if the Lord wanted me to do something specific, He would make it very obvious to me.  But He has yet to write even one answer across the sky for me.  This is why I have learned to take a different approach.  When I have something on my heart that I desire to do I pray, seek counsel and move forward, praying that the Lord would shut the door if it is not in His plan.  And, more often than not, if I began in prayer, in the Word and heeding the advice of wise people, He keeps the door open for me to walk through.  But, what happens when I do all of those things and then He closes the door?  I do what every self-focused child would do… I stick my fingers in the door so it can’t close all the way.  I figure, maybe I can pry it open in my own strength and venture through when nobody is looking! What does that look like...  pure disobedience, a lack of peace and missing out on God’s better plan for me.  So, a word of advice, if you are going to pray for the Lord’s will in your life and ask Him to open and close doors as He directs your path, then you best not pinch your fingers in the door as it closes!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

DC 2015


Celebrating the 4th of July in Washington, D.C. is an attraction that brings people from all over the world.  Our nation’s capital is a crossroads for people representing hundreds of cultures and languages and allows Global Recordings Network(GRN) an amazing opportunity to put recorded Bible messages, available in over 6,300 languages/dialects, into the hands of each of these individuals.

GRN makes audio recordings of evangelistic messages in the languages and dialects of the people across the globe.  The goal of the USA Distribution Department is to look for outreaches, ministries, churches and individuals who can then be the hands and feet of the organization by putting the Word of God into the hands of those who have yet to hear of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. 


Each year, during the week of the 4th of July, GRN, in collaboration with Santo Ministries, sets up several booths on the walkways of the National Mall, between the Capitol and the Washington Monument.  It is here where the team interacts with visitors walking by.  Each person is asked to represent their homeland by placing a sticker on a giant world map.  They are then given a free evangelistic CD in their heart language.  People from all religions, cultures and backgrounds are typically shocked and overjoyed to be given a free gift in their own language and receive it with gratitude.  Many individuals will spend time talking further about their personal beliefs which allows the GRN team the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them.

Every year the team begins with a plan for their time in DC; a plan they call Plan B.  Then, as the time progresses, the Lord reveals His perfect Plan A.  This year was no different.  With 55 people making up the 2015 team one could only imagine the variety of gifts and skills available and how the Lord would use them.

During the second day on the mall a man collapsed with heart failure less than 50 feet from the GRN booth.  Shannon Brown, a registered nurse, was able to take life saving measures immediately and it was because of her skills that this man, a fellow believer, is home with his family now. 

To ensure the team has the necessary languages available, equipment such as computers and duplicators are running every day throughout the week.  Working equipment is critical to the effectiveness of the outreach.  This is why when both duplicators stopped working, one day after the other, it was a blessing to have John Cranny, a former military radio technician on the team.  John was able to use his skills and random equipment (including a power supply, duct tape and paper clips) to get the job done and the duplicating process up and running.

The statement, “This must have been a divine appointment,” was heard daily throughout the week.  Unbelievers from closed countries were handed a CD in their exact language and were stunned to be receiving a gift such as this while standing on US soil.  Believers wore grateful smiles and fought tears as they were given materials, in their language, to share with those in their homeland.  A man from India was speechless when he learned that this team of people actually paid to be in DC and  share about Jesus Christ with people like him!

For GRN USA, the annual Washington, D.C. trip is the biggest outreach of the year and always has amazing results this side of heaven.  Imagine what the results will look like on the other side!

DC 2015 Results… This Side of Heaven

6 days on the National Mall allowed

55 GRN Mission Team Participants to give out

6,064 CDs with an evangelistic message in

135 Languages and Dialects, representing

158 Countries across the globe

Monday, May 11, 2015

Asian Cultural Festival

Thank you all to those who participated in this year's Asian Cultural Festival.  The weather kept many away, but the Lord still brought who needed to hear.  Our team of 18 gave out 254 CDs in 35 different languages.  That's pretty amazing given the low attendance of the festival.
One of the men who came out see what we were doing was David.  He received CDs, to share with others, at a festival we were at last year.  He was then able to use to share with a group of Guatemalans at a park.  He now feeling led to have a booth and hand out CDs at the San Diego swap meet.  This is a great example of how the Lord uses these festival teams.
Another man who visited our booth was a gentleman from South Sudan.  He spoke Nuer (a language we had not ever given out).  He was a believer and couldn't wait to share our recordings, via CD and, with his people.  I can't wait to see some of them in heaven!
We appreciate your support of GRN and the ministry the Lord has called us to.  You can find about future events (as they come up) on our family blog at or at our GRN site at  Be praying that those who received CDs will hear and that the Word will not return void.
Stacy, Charmaine, Amanda, Gabe and Candace
Stan is learning greetings in Hindi

This Man is from South Sudan and speaks Nuer. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Willing to Go, but Will Have to Stay

Recently, one friend asked another a very poignant question.  “You may be willing to GO anywhere for the Lord, but what if He calls you to STAY?”  That really struck me.   Emil and I experienced that exact scenario in our own mission journey.  We finally said, “Send us Lord,” moved out of our home, sold a lot of our things and began planning for a move to Costa Rica.  But, after much prayer, a lot of counsel and a visit to Costa Rica the Lord shut the door.  Soon afterwards came the offer to join Global Recordings Network.  We fought the process for some time.  Why would we stay when we were ready and willing to go?  Well, after another round of prayer, counsel and ministry evaluations we realized that the Lord was leading us to STAY.  It was a difficult decision, but reflecting over the past four years we see that it was the right one.

Now, the Lord is asking again for us to STAY.  Our team of 13, who was ready to GO to Nepal next month, has had the door closed.  Nepal has just experienced a natural disaster that has shaken the core of their people, communities and faith.  We were scheduled to visit villages that were between Kathmandu and the epicenter of the earthquake.  Those villages are said to now be flattened.  Our goal in going was to share the gospel with the Tibetan Buddhists.  Many of them have now died.  That lays heavy on our hearts.  Although we are unable to go, we are able to send finances for our staff to reach out to the survivors and share the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  In addition, this money will help care for GRN’s Nepali staff.  For our team, it has been disappointing to prepare for months to GO, yet in the end have to STAY.  But the Lord knew.

Psalm 139:16 says, ”…in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

I always tell our teams, “We have our Plan B all scheduled, and now we will wait to see what the Lord’s Plan A is!”  Well, here is our Plan A, the Lord’s Plan A.  I pray that in years to come, the Lord gives us a glimpse into the good that rose from this devastation.  Please, pray for Nepal.  If you are led to give to GRN’s Nepali Relief Fund visit and visit the “donate” page.


Monday, April 20, 2015

Avocado Festival Results- This Side of Heaven!

It was a busy day at the GRN booth at the Avocado Festival

Josh handing out a Spanish Words of Life with a Smile!

Our Dunamix DC Dance Team performed on stage at the festival

We've lived in Temecula for 20 years now and just learned about the Avocado Festival in Fallbrook.  Upon first hearing about it I (Stacy) was certain it had to be a small town festival with low attendance.  Wow, was I wrong!  The festival was miles long and was said to have been attended by 100,000 people!  Our team of 45, yes 45 (throughout the day), did an amazing job of putting CDs into the hands of those who were vendors and those walking by our booth. 

This year, our DC team has a group of dancers from Dunamix Dance Project joining us.  Their goal is to share Christ with others through worshipful dance and testimonies.  After performing, a woman at the festival came up to our booth to compliment the girls.  She said she was so impressed with what they shared about the Lord, how they presented themselves so modestly and how while dancing it truly looked like they were worshiping Christ.  What a blessing to hear that!  We can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do with them in DC.

The entire team worked diligently at the booth giving out CDs to the constant stream of visitors.  We had many believers come to thank us for sharing with others and challenge them to somehow do the same.  We were so busy that we actually ran out of Spanish CDs two hours before the event ended!
So, thank you to all who participated and prayed... here are the results that we get to see on this side of heaven....

721 CDs were given out (another 200 could have easily been given if we didn't run out)
47 languages were given (even Icelandic!)
45 volunteers and staff participated
All three of these categories were 1 day record totals!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Best Years...

“Are your best years behind you,” is the question I heard posed on the radio today.  That is one that made me think for a moment.  Today, March 2, is my 42nd birthday.  Are my best years behind me?  I do not even hesitate to say…NO WAY!  Seriously, I feel like I’ve just warmed up in this game of life and am ready to go.  The description of the Proverbs 31 woman says , in verse 25, “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.”  When I think of this laugh I don’t imagine a light chuckle, I envision a deep mysterious “you have no idea what’s about to hit you” kind of laugh.  It is the laugh that precedes the unleashing of a woman on a mission from the Lord.  That is me; a woman on a mission.  Am I afraid of the future?  Yes, I’m terrified, because I know to whom much is given much is expected.  I know the Lord is doing mighty things and I want to be a part of them.  I know I’m not prepared, equipped or educated enough for whatever His plan is… but I also know He holds me in the palm of His hand and directs my every step.  Wow…. All I can say is that my best years are yet to come!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Train Up Your Children...

Micah helping Emil check the recordings

Abbi putting her skills to work!

Little Tony helping to give out the 1300 Vietnamese CDs

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6

The Bible says we are to train up our children in the ways of the Lord.  Every parent knows that it is impossible to have a lasting impact simply through words; actions much follow each lesson.  What an encouragement to have parents come out to serve with Global Recordings Network at the Vietnamese Tet Festival and bring their children to serve alongside them.  These kiddos helped the team prepare and give out over 1300 CDs of the gospel message (1200 of them were in Vietnamese and the other hundred or so were in 28 different languages).  We can’t be of the mindset that the Lord has a plan for our children when they “grow up”.  The Lord has a plan for them NOW, and they have the abilities to serve now.  This is a challenge to all of us parents.  Are you modeling how to serve the Lord?  Do you give your child opportunities to serve now, even before they have grown?  If you wait, it may be too late.  Pray now about where to start.


Monday, February 23, 2015

The Encouragement I Needed

Serving the Lord through the ministry of GRN is a privilege.  It is something that I, Stacy, feel the Lord has called me to do.  But my primary function at GRN is to distribute recordings, mostly by CD, to people in their heart languages.  I am often asked what happens after the CDs are handed out and I typically reply, “Many times we will not know until we get to heaven.”  There are many stories of people, and sometimes whole villages coming to Christ from the recordings, but none that I know I have been directly involved in.  I feel like the Lord has called me to do my part and remember that the growth is His.  So, when I got a nugget of encouragement while serving in the Culiacan Project I was overjoyed.  Juan, a Spanish pastor in the Los Angeles area, shared a testimony with our team one morning.  He told us of how he had gone to three churches in California to share about the Culiacan ministry.  He showed many pictures of the Project to the congregation.  Highlighted in the pictures were people from the Culiacan Project teams serving in the camps.  One of those people was a tall white man named Kent Wistrand.  Kent or Quentin as they called him, was easy to remember as he looked quite differently from the others.  People shared how they came from working the fields of Culiacan and Quentin and those teams shared the gospel in their camps.  Now, as a result, they were plugged into Christian churches right in California.  The encouragement here was to keep doing what you are called to do.  You may not see the fruit now, but it will be a beautiful celebration when you do!

Quentin (Kent) and Elizabeth