Monday, August 20, 2012

Housing in Ecuador- When God Gives You More Than You Need

The Lord is so amazing!  I don't know why I ever worry or stress about the details of life when the Lord is constantly showing me how He aleady has it all figured out.  We knew the Lord wanted us to go to Ecuador so we purchased the tickets, but we didn't know all the details of the trip.  We weren't really sure where we, as a family, would be living for 7 weeks, but we knew the Lord would work it all out.  We thought maybe we'd be in a mission guest facility, with our family sharing one room and others from the team in the others.  Having us there left others without a place to stay.  God already knew and was working as we waited....

About 3 years ago I (Stacy) went to the jungles of Ecuador with a team from our church.  The missionaries we went with live in Shell, which happens to be the same town we are going to.  A few weeks ago I heard a rumor that they would be in the States during the time we would be in Shell.  They called last week to offer their house to us for the duration of our stay!  What a blessing!  They have children so their home is set up for a family with all the essentials and more.  Not only that, they offered to let us borrow all the little things that take up room in luggage (umbrellas, rain coats, computers, school supplies, etc.).  I love how God does not only meet our needs, but surpasses them.... because He can! 


Chris Tutt said...

Awesome to hear! God is great!!!

Unknown said...

Wow that's awesome! I LOVE to hear stories like this. It's so encouraging. God is amazing and does take care of our needs. I love to see Him at work! Thanks for sharing!

Kristin Rasmussen said...
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Kristin Rasmussen said...

That is so amazing! God is always in control!