Monday, May 16, 2016


It’s been two months since I’ve given any sort of update.  Please know that it isn’t because of a lack of work, but instead because of the opposite.  We live a FULL life for sure.  Full of family and friends.  Full of ministry both at GRN and within our home church.  Full of opportunities… lots and lots of opportunities!  And although they can overwhelm us at times, when we have the right perspective, we can rejoice in them all.

So many of you pray for us, work with us, support us financially, and encourage us often.  We want you to know that the Lord is using you to accomplish so much in the ministry we are all involved in.  Here are just a few ways the Lord has used this team over the past two months.  When I refer to “WE” I mean you, me and the entire team, because without all the parts working together none of this would be possible.

-          We have already sent out almost 12,000 CDs of the gospel message – for FREE!

-          We have made numerous new contacts with people distributing the CDs and recordings in other forms.  We now have over 50 CD racks placed in various churches, clinics, and ministries.

-          We had a booth at this year’s Avocado Festival in Fallbrook where a team of 40 gave out 1085 CDs in 41 languages.  In addition, many were sharing the gospel through conversations.

-          We have welcomed Mike Hendricks to our distribution staff.  He lives in Arizona and is sharing about GRN resources with everyone he meets.  Adding active staff is an answer to prayer.  He was able to join us to learn how to run a festival booth and is now in the Philippines using GRN resources.

-          We have begun to partner with Valley Christian Fellowship church in distribution, festivals and short term missions and Emil had the privilege of speaking there on a Sunday morning.

-          We were able to partner with our director of Cameroon as we sent a young woman to work with them for three months.  This relationship and learning process has allowed us to envision other opportunities within GRN.

-          We have 33 people on this year’s DC team and we have been spending quite a bit of time training, mentoring and preparing this team.

-          And the list goes on….

Moving forward please pray for the following opportunities…

-          Our team will be in DC, sharing the gospel from June 29-July 7.

-          We were just accepted to lead a workshop on Media Evangelism Resources at the Refugee Roundtable Conference in Canada this July.  We are working on what the Lord wants us to share and the new connections we will make.

-          We have several new opportunities for August through the end of the year.  Pray the Lord makes it clear which to choose.

-          And please pray for our girls, Tate and Becca, as they are our first ministry always.  Pray they continue to grow in the Lord and that we are given the wisdom necessary to guide them.