Monday, September 14, 2015

You're an Important Part of these Results

All of you who support us through prayer, encouragement and finances or have physically served alongside us on short term trips have been a very important part of these results!  Emil and I felt led to open this department 1 1/2 years ago and the Lord has done some mighty things in this short amount of time.  Imagine if even more people got involved in the Lord's work...

The USA Distribution Department, opening only 1 ½ years ago, is a new focus for the USA Global Recordings Network (GRN) office.  The focus of the department is simple; get the recorded messages in the 6,256 languages/dialects into the hands of those who need to hear about salvation through Jesus Christ.  But with a distribution staff of two, and limited funding, this “simple” goal is too big for human hands and has had to be given completely to the Lord; and the results have been unbelievable. 

In the past 1 ½ years the Lord has used the people who pray for GRN, give financially and volunteer their time to reach thousands of the lost with the gospel.  As of August, the USA office has given out a total of 44,599 CDs for free!  In addition to this, GRN USA has been offering ministries a free rack of CDs in the most common languages in their area.  Forty-one racks are already in use across the nation in churches, health clinics, refugee programs, evangelistic ministries, ESL classes and a variety of other organizations.  It has been through donations, both big and small, that GRN has been able to give these CDs and racks out for free.  All future donations will ensure this part of the ministry continues. 

Supplying ministries with these evangelistic CDs is one major avenue of distribution, but involving individuals in the work of GRN through local outreaches and short term mission experiences is another effective way of reaching the lost and training believers to serve in missions.  Since January of 2014 GRN USA has organized and attended 12 local outreaches and ethnic festivals.  These outreaches have given over 250 people the chance to participate on a team and reach the lost through the use of GRN materials.  In addition to these opportunities, the GRN USA office has hosted 5 short term mission teams comprised of a total of 117 people.  These teams, serving both nationally and internationally, spent six months training and building skills for the mission field.  Once on the field, teams reached the lost through the use of GRN materials and evangelistic methods that resulted in changed lives.  The experience of local outreaches and short term missions is one that continues on far past the return home.  Lives are changed; both the lives of those who are hearing of the salvation of Jesus Christ and the believers who are being pushed out of their comfort zone to serve Christ in a new and exciting way.

Although these numbers are astounding, they are only the results this side of heaven.  We will not truly know the extent of this work until we enter the gates of eternal glory.  And what a reward it will be for those who are dedicated to praying for GRN and the recordings that go out, others who give generously to the ministry, and those who volunteer or join the staff!  If you want to know how you can be a part of GRN USA Distribution or other departments contact Stacy Meyer at or

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Don't Pinch Your Fingers in the Door as it Closes

We have in our mind a plan… our plan for what we want to see happen.  Then we take it to the Lord and pray that if it is not His plan, that He shut the door.  This is how I (Stacy) approach many of my decisions in life.  I used to get so tied up in the idea that if the Lord wanted me to do something specific, He would make it very obvious to me.  But He has yet to write even one answer across the sky for me.  This is why I have learned to take a different approach.  When I have something on my heart that I desire to do I pray, seek counsel and move forward, praying that the Lord would shut the door if it is not in His plan.  And, more often than not, if I began in prayer, in the Word and heeding the advice of wise people, He keeps the door open for me to walk through.  But, what happens when I do all of those things and then He closes the door?  I do what every self-focused child would do… I stick my fingers in the door so it can’t close all the way.  I figure, maybe I can pry it open in my own strength and venture through when nobody is looking! What does that look like...  pure disobedience, a lack of peace and missing out on God’s better plan for me.  So, a word of advice, if you are going to pray for the Lord’s will in your life and ask Him to open and close doors as He directs your path, then you best not pinch your fingers in the door as it closes!