Wednesday, July 15, 2015

DC 2015


Celebrating the 4th of July in Washington, D.C. is an attraction that brings people from all over the world.  Our nation’s capital is a crossroads for people representing hundreds of cultures and languages and allows Global Recordings Network(GRN) an amazing opportunity to put recorded Bible messages, available in over 6,300 languages/dialects, into the hands of each of these individuals.

GRN makes audio recordings of evangelistic messages in the languages and dialects of the people across the globe.  The goal of the USA Distribution Department is to look for outreaches, ministries, churches and individuals who can then be the hands and feet of the organization by putting the Word of God into the hands of those who have yet to hear of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. 


Each year, during the week of the 4th of July, GRN, in collaboration with Santo Ministries, sets up several booths on the walkways of the National Mall, between the Capitol and the Washington Monument.  It is here where the team interacts with visitors walking by.  Each person is asked to represent their homeland by placing a sticker on a giant world map.  They are then given a free evangelistic CD in their heart language.  People from all religions, cultures and backgrounds are typically shocked and overjoyed to be given a free gift in their own language and receive it with gratitude.  Many individuals will spend time talking further about their personal beliefs which allows the GRN team the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them.

Every year the team begins with a plan for their time in DC; a plan they call Plan B.  Then, as the time progresses, the Lord reveals His perfect Plan A.  This year was no different.  With 55 people making up the 2015 team one could only imagine the variety of gifts and skills available and how the Lord would use them.

During the second day on the mall a man collapsed with heart failure less than 50 feet from the GRN booth.  Shannon Brown, a registered nurse, was able to take life saving measures immediately and it was because of her skills that this man, a fellow believer, is home with his family now. 

To ensure the team has the necessary languages available, equipment such as computers and duplicators are running every day throughout the week.  Working equipment is critical to the effectiveness of the outreach.  This is why when both duplicators stopped working, one day after the other, it was a blessing to have John Cranny, a former military radio technician on the team.  John was able to use his skills and random equipment (including a power supply, duct tape and paper clips) to get the job done and the duplicating process up and running.

The statement, “This must have been a divine appointment,” was heard daily throughout the week.  Unbelievers from closed countries were handed a CD in their exact language and were stunned to be receiving a gift such as this while standing on US soil.  Believers wore grateful smiles and fought tears as they were given materials, in their language, to share with those in their homeland.  A man from India was speechless when he learned that this team of people actually paid to be in DC and  share about Jesus Christ with people like him!

For GRN USA, the annual Washington, D.C. trip is the biggest outreach of the year and always has amazing results this side of heaven.  Imagine what the results will look like on the other side!

DC 2015 Results… This Side of Heaven

6 days on the National Mall allowed

55 GRN Mission Team Participants to give out

6,064 CDs with an evangelistic message in

135 Languages and Dialects, representing

158 Countries across the globe