Monday, May 11, 2015

Asian Cultural Festival

Thank you all to those who participated in this year's Asian Cultural Festival.  The weather kept many away, but the Lord still brought who needed to hear.  Our team of 18 gave out 254 CDs in 35 different languages.  That's pretty amazing given the low attendance of the festival.
One of the men who came out see what we were doing was David.  He received CDs, to share with others, at a festival we were at last year.  He was then able to use to share with a group of Guatemalans at a park.  He now feeling led to have a booth and hand out CDs at the San Diego swap meet.  This is a great example of how the Lord uses these festival teams.
Another man who visited our booth was a gentleman from South Sudan.  He spoke Nuer (a language we had not ever given out).  He was a believer and couldn't wait to share our recordings, via CD and, with his people.  I can't wait to see some of them in heaven!
We appreciate your support of GRN and the ministry the Lord has called us to.  You can find about future events (as they come up) on our family blog at or at our GRN site at  Be praying that those who received CDs will hear and that the Word will not return void.
Stacy, Charmaine, Amanda, Gabe and Candace
Stan is learning greetings in Hindi

This Man is from South Sudan and speaks Nuer.