Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Culiacan 2015 and a Peek into Paige's Time there

Paige & Taylor committed to going to Culiacan for 6 weeks to teach the director's children during the day and share the gospel in the work camps at night.

A team of 10 Americans were able to join Paige & Taylor for one week of ministry!
It's that time of year again; time to pray how the Lord wants YOU to be involved in the Culiacan Project.  Will you be a sender?  Will you pray?  Or is this your year to go?  We are in need of two women to help the director's three children with their schoolwork.  This commitment is 5 weeks and will go from January 19 - February 21.  We will also be taking a team the week of Feb. 7-15 to share the gospel in the work camps.  The project will be happening from January 25-February 21 and you are welcome to be a part for one week or all four (for more info see the Mission Trip Opportunity page).  Contact me with questions or for more information.  Below is one of Paige's journal entry from her time in Culiacan.  I pray it is an encouragement to you.

"The 5 weeks that I spent in Culiacán were incredible. Although God taught me a million and one things throughout the duration of the trip, probably the biggest thing he showed me was how powerful He truly is. The people we ministered to in the camps were so poor, they work six days a week for 8 dollars a day. Not only that, but when their shift is over, they have to prepare dinner and hand wash their clothes. Even the missionaries we worked along side struggle with finances and things that most Americans never worry about in their lives. It's easy to feel appreciative for the things we have, but what's harder to do is realize that God is enough for them, he can fulfill them. Coming into the camps as a spoiled American my first thought is why on earth are we only giving them booklets and CDs? These kids need shoes and clothes, the parents need more food and clothes for themselves. What earthly possessions can I provide for these people so they can live more like I do? That is totally the wrong thinking and I'm ashamed that I went into this having that attitude. God is all powerful! For the people who heard the truth and accepted it, God's grace was such a special gift. It really makes me reflect on my cushy American life and realize that there are many things I should leave at God's feet instead of at the doctors or the mechanics. If we don't have faith that God can take care of our needs during a head cold, how can we truly give our lives over to him? The people who truly have needs, life or death needs (like the people in the camps) it's a blessing, they have complete faith that God will carry them through and then they are blessed because of course he can! "