Monday, January 27, 2014

Lunar Fest 2014


We had 28 people, both young and the not so young, join this year's Lunar Festival team in Riverside, California.  Our youth offered free face painting which brought lines of people all day.  The entire team worked diligently to find out if each festival visitor spoke a language other than English.  If they did, they were given a free CD, containing the Gospel message, in their native language.  We were able to give out 437 CDs in 33 languages!  Now we are praying that lives are changed though these recordings. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Starting with Plan B, Waiting for Plan A

I (Stacy) am a planner.  I love lists, schedules and my calendar which often dictates my week.  I plan my day, my family's social life, school, mission trips and ministry events.  Typically, I plan things out well in advance and follow through on each task... just as planned.  Recently I have learned how my "planning" has affected our family and ministry.  I have the attitude that I will devise a Plan A and if God has us go in another direction, well, that's ok, I will move to Plan B.

Did you catch that?  It's my Plan A and God's Plan B?  That doesn't sound very "Christ-like" does it?  The Lord allowed me to get a glimpse of my attitude over the past six weeks.  My father went into the hospital on Thanksgiving and passed away two days after Christmas.  None of this was part of my Plan A.  Many daily tasks, holiday events, and preplanned activities were cleared from my calendar.  Our family was changed forever. But as difficult as it all was, it was the Lord's plan... and He only has a Plan A.

It was during this time that I realized, as I am planning, whether it's my day or a major event,
I need to start with Plan B.... then wait for the Lord's Plan A.  I encourage you all to join me in doing the same.